rec de weirl - lanetic profile picture

rec de weirl - lanetic

About Me

music for those who know (funky techhouse, breakin electronic beats, minimal tech)
rec de weirl with an outstanding music taste and a perfect technology, always on look for completion, rec goes in action as one of the first eastgerman techno and house protagonists.
techno was born and germany was the centre of the european scene. together with his friend and partner andrew, he organized the first real underground partys south of berlin, called lanetic. after closing their club, both of them where already a firm component of the german techno culture and lanetic became their business. rec played on nearly all large events and festivals and is an even more gladly booked dj, in many of the most announced locations. as the producer of the project weirlbeats, rec made hisself a name years ago. unusually good sets, captivate trough professional and spectacular mixes, as well as it's good music selection - all these facts and his convincing arise, brought him a huge fanbase and many promoters gladly offer him regular appearances. we can state with conviction, that rec de weirl is one of the most talented german djs. till today he played already over 1000 gigs and the tendency is rising.
between 1983/1989 rec was a tape dj @ eastgermany. the first dj project "superstudio" :) with andre jankowski started in 1983. at 1987 rec lost his heart to acid house :). about 20 years ago (1989) rec de weirl started performing as a technohouse dj with dj andrew as one of the first initiators of technohouse underground in east-germany. he completed his techniques and performed for many years as a resident dj in one of the first technohouse clubs in east-germany, named "lanetic". rec de weirl performed in 1991/92 at the legendary "conne island events" (with till and andrew), at many illegal military area events, in east-germanys best club "distillery", in the "rabet" club with "ur" (jeff mills, blake baxter - first hardwax tour), for hollands partypoeple in aachen and in many regional techno clubs. rec started as a producer of "weirlbeats" techno-act about 17 years ago. since 1994 performed "weirlbeats" (with rec and marco thiele / since 1994) at various techno sampler cd's and rave & club events. in 1996 rec was with andrew @ many sexy clubs (aufschwung ost/ stammheim etc.). in 1999 rec started as a producer of "booty brothers" technohouseact. between 1996/2003 rec was resident dj at the wartesaal club. between 1997/98 rec was resident dj at the cube club. between 1999/2006 rec was resident dj at the sage club berlin. between 1999/2000 rec was resident dj at the elixier halle.
up to now rec performed innumerable gigs.
sage club Berlin
lanetic events
sonne mond sterne
played @ clubs
outside germany:
la terrrazza | barcelona sp
radost fx | prag cz
hive | zurich ch
plastique | bratislava sk
brama stettin pl
turnmills | london uk
sage club berlin
tresor berlin
muna thuringia
cocoon club frankfurt
distillery l.e.
maria berlin
weekend berlin
watergate berlin
wmf berlin
polar tv berlin
kinzo berlin
kitkat berlin
pulp mansion berlin
funkwelt dresden
showboxx dresden
centrum erfurt
aufschwung ost/stammheim kassel
joue joue erfurt
played @ events
sonnemondsterne germany
mayday germany
summerspirit germany
presence on air / television
at dancehall (technohouse radioprogram | dt64)
at stunde 0 (technohouse radioprogram | energy)
at der club (technohouse radioprogram | antenne th)
at intensivstation (technohouse radioprogram | sputnik)...
at radio fritz "rave satellite" (technohouse radioprogram | fritz berlin)
short cuts at viva/housefrau (viva music tv | germany)...
short cuts at mtv and viva...
interview/story at feuerreiter (a tv-technohouse-program)...
at the ndr doku der unerwartete osten...
many tracks on Technohouse Compilations between 1994/2000
Delite E.P. (Delightful Delight Productions) CD EP | 1994 | Germany
Delite E.P. (Delightful Delight Productions) 12" | 1995 | Germany
Lanetic Collective e.p. (Jewel) 12" EP | 2002 | Germany
Flippin Fish (Lanetic) 12" EP / 2004 | Germany
Berlinlover RMX (Metrosexx) 12" EP | 2004 | Germany
Friendship E.P. (Aromamusic) 12" EP | 2004 | Germany
The BRB Allstars Vol. IV (BRB Allstars) CD Comp | 2005 | Germany
Najoua Belyzel - Gabriel RMX | 2006 | France
The BRB Allstars Vol. V (BRB Allstars) CD Comp | 2006 | Germany
Divinity & Nina Queer - Haben sie mich schon RMX | 2007 | Germany
The BRB Allstars Vol. VI (BRB Allstars) CD Comp | 2007 | Germany
Versus (Elected Tunes) 12" | 2007 | Germany
The BRB Allstars Vol. VII (BRB Allstars) CD Comp | 2008 | Germany
Kikumoto Allstars - Last Train To Chi-Town (Sweet Smelling Surfaces) | 2008 | France
VA A Record-Case From Berlin (Aromamusic) CD EP | 2008 | Germany
Divinity & Nina Queer - Discopony Album Remixes | 2009 | Germany
more multi content @:
28.12.2008 weekend berlin rec de weirl 06.08.2004 sonnemondsterne festival rec de weirl rec de weirl at rage save dt64 22.02.1992 ;) 02.08.2003 flucs closing rec de weirl, andrew, divinity & markus welby in action ;) 16.08.2008 raw openair naturbühne rec de weirl 09.09.2003 sage club berlin - sage charity rec de weirl 28.12.2008 weekend berlin rec de weirl 28.12.2008 weekend berlin rec de weirl weirl beats aka rec de weirl & marco t. 07.01.1995 ;) 28.12.2008 weekend berlin rec de weirl 28.12.2008 weekend berlin rec de weirl 28.12.2008 weekend berlin rec de weirl
my top eventcrew-friends :)

My Interests


Member Since: 17/05/2006
Band Website:
Influences: 04/22/1983
Sounds Like: funkytechhouseelectronicbeats
Record Label: jewel, aromamusic
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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