WAKEBOARDING with THE SAC STATE wakeboard TEAM! ~~SKYDIVING ((biggest THRILL of your LIFE))~~TeNNiS, **bEaCh** {esp. watching the US Open in Hunington} .I.♥.to.DaNcE, dRiNk, *RiVeR RafTiNg* is THE BEST --4th of July BaBy--, fLaG FooTbaLL, partyPARTYparty, FLIRTING. MoDeLiNg FoR SFA *&* REEF, DiNnEr & DaTeS, RiDinG QuAdS, HoRsEs & I LOVE 2 ShOp..ShOp..ShOp!!!"i WeNt sKy DiViNg, RoCkY mOuNtAiN cLiMbiNg, sLiPPeD tHe BoNdS oF eArTh......AnD dAnCeD tHe sKiEs On LaUgHtEr SiLveReD wiNgS" -daddy's lil girl
***ShaNiA TwAiN*** I LoVe HeR ShE iS My iDoL!!QUOTE to LIVe by: ((maybe i should)) LoVe Is GiViNg SoMeOnE tHe PoWeR tO bReAk Ur
I LiKe All KiNdS Of MuSic..--KeLLy ClaRkSoN, good.charlotte, **ShAniA**, bLiNk, GrEEn DaY, RaScAl FlAtS, JiMMy EaT WoRLD.. ToM PeTTy, JeSSiCa SiMpSoN, Of A ReVoLuTiOn, TiM McGraW, COLD PLAY, Garth, fall out boy, KeNNy, WEEZER, GaViN, *sUbLiMe* my.chemical.romance. ::JoDeE MeSsiNa:: !!SIMPLE-PLAN!! MaRiAh CaReY, MARCOS Hernandez, e-40, SaoSiN, taking back sunday, LiFe HoUsE, Nick Lachey.. annd u CANT forget about BuTteRMiLk BiSqUiTs! To Be Continued...
::woohoo:: i.♥.movies DuMb & DuMbEr:The Jacket:Napoleon Dynamite:LoVe & BaSkEtBaLL:dEaTh BeCoMeS HeR:NoTeBooK:13=going=on=30:DiRtY-DaNciNg:PrEttY WoMaN: cLuELeSs:ThE GrEeN MiLe:RaY:ThE NewLywEds;CoMpLeTe SeRiEs:-paparazzi- weDDinG-CraShErS.hideNseek.(TraFFiC) ...
DeSpEraTe HoUsEWiVeS..GREYS ANATOMY,WiLL & GraCe & FriEnDs & ♥ LAGUNA BEACH ♥ Newlyweds..PuNk'D..rEaL-wOrLd..*StAr SeArCh* america's.next.top.model--punky.brewster ((back in the day))......im.watching.you......
"He's Just Not That Into You" -The Five People You Meet in Heaven- ..Amazing Grace.. =.=Montana 1948=.= +.cosmo.+ -brides-
::Dad:: you are my NUMBER one HERO! i love you VERY much and i think about you EACH and EVERY day..i know that you will be with me in each step that i take! ..Rest In Peace.. ♥ your baby girl ::Mom:: You are SO very Brave and i want to emulate who you are.. fighting for our country in this time of need is a very honorable act! thank-you for everything you have done for this family..i love you!