The Vandervoorts profile picture

The Vandervoorts

About Me

The Vandervoorts are four people without music training or properly tussled bedheads. We like to shout and scream and occasionally execute tiny little dance moves. We have written four (4) songs about public transportation, one (1) song about Dwight D. Eisenhower, and we're working on one about a trained seal named Gowanda. We are currently on hiatus. Expect all messages to linger in the corner, gathering dust, becoming valuable.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/18/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Dorothy plays the guitar and shouts.
Emma plays the bass and screams.
Mark sings and shakes a tambourine.
Mister Chen plays the drums and dances.

Influences: The G train
Type of Label: Major

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