If your going to watch anything CHECK THIS OUT!!..
Zeitgeist Addendum
DRUM & BASS!!!! (enjoying, DJing, producing, and shakin my ass) When the sounds are bumpin you have no choice but to let it out and SHAKE IT!!
Pendulum - SLAM
phat beats, good vibes, Positive interesting women with something to say or at least rockin curves :P
(HELL perferably both >:}), anr abf vbh, GOOD BEERS!!
good food, virtually anything computers/techy (i'm a professional geek)
gaming, playing pool, anything enjoying a good sunny day
meeting people worth knowing. Most of all having a good time with good people and loving life
hah, so this is the fun section huh...let's see... For now I am currently single so...
A Woman that isn't a skank whore who loves to do this of course! An oxymoron? I think not. Then again when it comes to women I have my standards which are far more about who they are and what they are about then simply looks. A womans true appeal is who she is and not what stereo type she may fall in where looks are concerned. I definitely don't need a Barbie, and too often find them completely annoying. Being able to have a good time with each other is more then crucial. Not that I need a 3 rings circus going on 24/7 by any means. The little things go a long way. I've definitely become a firm believer in knowing how deep the water is before diving in. Sorry ladies no one night stands here. I'm all about that strong mutual chemistry. Being down with a woman that isn't and vis versa just isn't where it's at. A woman that knows what she's about and knows what she likes is an incredibly beautiful sexy thing. On the physical side of things (yeah physical attraction has it's basic importance) There's something about women with red hair and rockin curves that seems to drive me wild. Sorry but twiggy women just tend to not really do it for me (Then again mad style goes a long way). So yeah your definitely going to have to have personality, standards, and an opinion about the world to go with some curves before I'll let myself rip off your panties. Then again this is just myspace and I don't know that I could ever really expect anything from typing all this, but it's a bit of my general taste and views.
I'm all about good 'LOCAL' people worth knowing. The question is.. is that you or not??? I guess you never know till you find out really, but then again can you ever TRULY know anyone? I'm always down for trying to get to know people, and it's usually a pretty good time. Granted I can tend to be a bit quick to write people off but that's never without reason. It's all about who's actually worth my time, much less my emotions. I love meeting people that I can't stereotype, and that are truly themselves.
I'm all about people who actually know how to enjoy life and don't pawn their happiness in life on to others shoulders. If you can't enjoy your life how could you ever expect someone to enjoy it with you?
Genuine honesty, love of life, and open mindedness is what I really look for in people. That said it can be hard to find at times, but I think I do a pretty good job seeing and accepting people for who they are. I really try not to judge people. Now then how much I actually do or don't let people into my life is another story. It's a big reason I have so many good people around me in my life..
There are plenty of other places where I talk to random people all over the world that share the same interests as me. For me myspace is much more about expanding my 'REAL LIFE' network of friends, associates, and cohorts in debauchery. Of course I'm always looking to expand the network of DnB headz. If your down with DnB/Jungle music definitely hit me up and help bring the network closer together.
So if you think you fit in any of these categories don't hesitate to hit me up and even if you don't and would simply like to know more about me, then let me know. I live a pretty honest, open, and regret free life style that comes from making the best decision I can at the time and by simply being me. Definitely send me a message with your friend request because If I don't know you and can't tell why you would be adding me from what's on your page you WILL be DENIED. I keep my friends list clear of people that I have no interest in.
I just moved down to South West Denver from Fort Collins and I'm definitely looking to get up to speed in the scene here. I'm sure it won't take long but then again I have a lot to take care of at the moment. I'd love to get to know more interesting people in Denver that might spread the word my way about good stuff going on. Sure that's subjective and a matter of taste, but I think I've given at least a taste of my vibe and what I'm about on here.
My World Visitor Map!
WWW.FORTCOLLINSBEATS.COM I have sets posted there.
We live in an age of infinite sonic potential. BRING IT ON AND CRANK IT UP!! My primary sonic love for now is definitely DRUM AND BASS!! IF you're not in the know here's a taste. If you don't have a real FULL frequency sound system hooked up you won't be doing this music any justice at all. (1/8 inch to rca cables are CHEAP, so hook your PC up to the best sound system you have)....
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
DRUM AND BASS / JUNGLE / DnB / Junglism...
The list really goes on and on. There is just too much amazing music out there to ever even hope to hear it all. I like pretty much most well produced music. I have to admit I do find the 4 on 4 bass beat of most house a bit boring after a few......
I grew up being a serious metal head (slayer, sepultura, bolt thrower) the harder the better. I've always loved powerful music. I approach music as vibe. To me it's all about the feeling of a track. I definitely think most mainstream 'pop' music is complete crap.
I do have a more diverse musical taste then just DnB, but it's my primary love. I played bass guitar for several years in bands before getting into DJing DnB. I'll listen to anything from classical, ambient, dub, downtempo,rockabilly, ska, ragge, hip-hop, trip-hop, rap (not much into egotistical thug gangstah crap. ok your a bad ass, we get it, then again if you have to be the one to say it, maybe your not), rock, deathmetal and even a dash of some country. Punk music now days is seriously hit and miss. I can't stand whinny emo crap. SUCK IT UP AND DEAL WITH YOU WHINNY BASTARDS! 'punk' emo bands are the new replacement for 90's boy bands(utter crap). I know what I like and what I don't. I definitely DON'T watch MTV, don't listen to much regular radio either (internet 'radio' streams and file sharing is where it's at for discovering new artists), I prefer controlling the sounds and music of my life. There is more music made every day then anyone could hope to listen to. I love always hearing something new, and in fact it has to be something I REALLY like to listen to it more then once, much less spin it. I'm always up for throwing down some tracks
Roni Size - Brown paper Bag
If you like a band, artist, or dj SUPPORT THIER ART!! BUY THEIR RECORDS, and GO SUPPORT THEM LIVE. mp3s are great, and cdjs do have their place, but don't be a LEECH on the scene. ADD to it and SUPPORT IT. All artists should have a web site for letting you know what their doing, showing your support, and even sending some cash their way to help them in their endeavors(if they want it). The electronic medium is an all new age in music distribution. It's a start of a new era. Help make it better for the artists rather then worse. I have NO sympathy for people on cribs and the RIAA artist whinnying and sewing their own fans(That's not what it's about). Music is no longer controlled by those looking to make insane amounts of money. It's controlled by you and what you choose to support, so SUPPORT IT. That's just my take on it.
I watch movies rather then TV. I see more then I probably should. here's some picks - WAKING LIFE, Fear and loathing in las vegas, Sin City, Idiocracy, Freedom to Fascism, Death of the electric car, LOTR, EVIL DEAD, Clockwork Orange, the ring, ANIME!! (akira, ninja scroll, ghost in the shell, final fantasy, final fantasy VII, appleseed, vampire hunter D), The wall, donnie darko, dark city, willow, princess bride, spun, momento, requiem for a dream, The cell, finding nemo, incredibles, dark crystal, boondock saints, Even some porn although I don't know if I've actually sat and watch an entire one straight through since i definitely don't watch it for the story lines(It's a matter of personal taste, and sex shouldn't be taboo. After all it's how we all got here anyway), ANY good or cheesy KUNG FU flick, a super cheesy camp flick (still dig old school godzilla) is always good for veging hung over w/ tunes playing....etc..... and of course THE BIG LEBOWSKI (I'd so sport a gutter balls bowling shirt if I could find one)
99% garbage!
Don't have cable. screw commercials and corporate advertising in general.
I have a few I'll watch (simpsons, family guy, Adult swim, name is earl, lost, heroes, battlestar galactica)
BRING BACK FARSCAPE! Even if the seasons got a bit stale on plot, the characters own.
I like tech fictions or fictions in general. Give me something creative.
I'd recommend Snow crash and cryptonomicon to anyone.
My job allows me plenty of time where I'm just doing my thing working away, so I've become a big fan of audio books. I've listened to plenty of good epic series like lotr, dark tower, robert jordan - wheel of time, The vampire chronicles, even lemony snicket and harry potter (kid stuff but entertaining)
Let me know if you have any suggestions I can usually find just about anything on mp3 .., and if not there is always the library.
Blargh...who needs them? Not I, and I really don't get the point them, but that's just me. Our parents should be the only hero's anyone should need. Then again there are way too many people that simply shouldn't be allowed to have kids (watch idiocracy it's hilarious). I guess some people need religion to show them how to live. Whatever works for you I guess. It's all good...
No ones perfect, in fact if you believe the majority here the only guy that was, got jacked up pretty good for it.
Ok, maybe female porn stars. Simply because they get impaled in ways humans weren't meant to be and yet some how manage to keep the appearance they enjoy it even though you know most of it has to hurt like hell. I guess in a way I respect that masochistic professionalism even if they are just whores on video.
IF NOTHING ON THIS PAGE MADE YOU LAUGH, CRACK A SMILE, THINK, OR AT LEAST FOUND IT SOMEWHAT INTERESTING THEN YOU'RE DEFINITELY NO ONE I NEED TO KNOW(and definitely need to lighten up and open up to the world around you). If you actually have read this page, please let me know. A quick message doesn't take more then a couple seconds, and I'm definitely curious who the lurkers are out there checking my page. THANKS FOR CHECKING OUT 'MY PAGE'. EZ