I don't take anything too serious. I am laid back. I enjoy music and a good time. I laugh at most things I shouldn't. Yes, Its true I have worked at funeral home. I write Music and play any moment I can. alcohol scares me. I I own an alveraz folk cutaway guitar. Its my love.I am almost 20. I have missed out on alot of things in life...most of them I didn't want to experience anyways. I was homeschooled...don't ask. you wouldn't understand. I bleed music. i'd say I am very stable. I am emotionally squared away and I feel at one with the world and Karma. I have alot of secrets. I have alot of things that i want outta this life.I am eclectic. I want to find the same.If I were a tree I'd be a sequoia.
If I were an animal I'd be a church mouse.
I believe in God but I don't condemn.
I have made a fair share of mistakes
I have the market for Idiot covered.
I suffer from self induced spontaneity.
I am an Independent thinker.
I make things up as i go.
I like to tell stories.
I sing in the shower doesn't matter who's shower. I Sing.
I wish I could find everything i was looking for.
I pity those who are less fortunate.
I wear baggy jeans,gangster shoes but don't consider myself gangster.
I have daily conversations with my Mother.
She is my bestfriend.
I am a momma's boy
I lack in alot.I am trying.
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