Video Gaming
I HATE hypocrits.
Anyone and everyone!You can never have too many mates.
Bass Bass and more Bass... I love anything that's done well. Like art... if there's talent, and it's new and interesting, then chances are I'll love it.Im an absolute sucker for acoustic guitars.
Anime stuff,
Attractive shirtless men..Anything that will challenge me! And make me think "hmmmmm!"
NOT a fan of scary movies!!!
There's enough nasty things in the world already... I dont think we really need to add to that now do we?
Anything anime/Manga drawn! (except initial D... Im sorry but they're all so terribly drawn!!)I love a good sitcom, a good documentary, a good game of NRL..Advertisements REALLY annoy me.***[WARNING: oncoming rant]***PLEASE show me an add for a cleaning product that DOESNT feature a stereo-typical housewife!!Ok Ill admit, I HAVE seen the occasional advertisement with a man using a cleaning product, but the man is seen as SUCH a NICE guy, what a HERO for helping out around the house! OR he's gay, or an idiot, or a pushover.Ever seen a female news reporter over 40? Or overweight? Or unattractive in the SLIGHTEST?! The majority of male news reporters are old, and overweight, and look like they're half dead already... which would be FINE if women were treated the same way! But no... all the females have to be young, slim, and pretty, with perfect skin. GrrRrrrRrrr.........
The Narnia Series, Tomorrow When the War Began Series, Anime Comics,All sorts of random instructional books.
My awesome family.+ anyone who can drink more than I can ;)