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WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY Deidre ChatmanEXECUTIVE PRODUCER Dudley ChatmanAndLPH ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTION,DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Michael ChestworthLEGIONS is a gripping fast paced super natural horror with a twist, based on factual events. This could happen to you. A woman goes to see a psychic to find out about her future, while in her home she steals an ancient stone which has supernatural powers. The stone contains the most powerful and most feared demon of all times. This stone takes over her body and cause her to kill her friends and whom ever comes into her path.As she struggles to not allow the demonic spirit to consume her, the psychic makes her own campaign to retrieve the stone and to send the demon back where it belongs.Time is of the essence as the demon gets stronger the longer it has a host to operate out of. The fury has been unleashed and everyone’s in danger. LEGIONS gives demonic possession a name and fury a voice.LEGIONS is a cross between “The Exorcisms of Emily Rose” and “Saw”. This movie is shocking, edgy, and suspenseful. It has all the elements of horror and much more. LEGIONS has strategy taken fear to another level.
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Posted By:LEGIONGet this video and more at
Posted by on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 16:38:00 GMT