sleeping in on rainy days, watching stupid movies, playing with his cousins and my neice and nephew, buying new things for the house (it never ends!)
I'm all out of ideas on this one.
Myspace Layouts
Ryan's favorites are DAVE MATHEWS, COLD PLAY, DAVID GREY, THE VERVE and I like Louis Armstrong or anything from the seventies I can dance to.
Ryan and I discovered on one of our first dates that we both loved the movie SAVING SILVERMAN! We also like Anchorman, Elf, or anything else that does not require a lot of thought.
Shannon-old Raymond reruns, LOST, Jon and Kate plus 8........Ryan-anything that will get him out of studying.
Well, if we do read (which is very rare) Ryan is usually in his Pharmacy books and I typically like any non-fiction from C.S. Lewis or Dobson.
Our Dads of course!!!