Anything Celtic,sewing, dress making ,crochet ,Study of pagan religions,Renaissence,Ghost Hunting and anything Paranormal.SCA
There really isn't anyone who i'd like to meet, but i would really love to see again . Firstly my Grand mother who i hadn't got to see for two years before she passed away i love and miss her so much she is and always will be my inspiration. My first true love Robin Waterhouse,how he broke my heart.I'd like to see why i made all that fuss and cryed so much about 22 years ago.
Mike Oldfield,Neil Young,anything celtic or New age,Irish Folk music.The Lost Boys,Three quarter Ale i could go on and on.Depends on my mood.
Star Wars,Lord of the Rings ,Gattica,Cronicals of Riddick, Harry Potter,Rebecca,Deer Hunter,The Andronida Strain,Midwich Coo Coo's (old sixties movie),Nell,Any Doris Day, Rock Hudson or Gene Kelly movie blah blah blah
Right now my favorite shows are Big Love and Six feet under.I also like Sex In the City,Friends,Will and Grace Other wise i tend to watch the History,Medical,Animal channel National Geographic or PBS.God bless public TV,Nova is one of the best.
Favorite book ever DUNE.... other wise i don't read much fiction these datys.I tend to read anything to expand my mind and spirituality
My Grand mother, my daughter and my Mom and Dad.