MUSIC....mkaes the ppl...cum together... hahakz... anybody noe wad song?? i also loike... erm make tt luv... i also luv... my handphone! my pillow! (dun say eeew... or u'll geddit!) erm...i luv my pri school girlfrens!! dey rock my life there... i luv u guys!! hahakz... hmmm....Loikes: HP, pillow (im warning u....), myself, my baby photos, my girlfwens in pri sch, myself, english, lit, storybooks n also... the ultimate thing... LIBRARIES!!! i dun geddit..y ppl dun like to read?!??
everyone!!!! especially WRSS members n Qihua members!! 1997 i tink i came into tt school.... my maths fail lah...sho shorrie....
millons dearie.... thousands of millions.... currently... Karma, What you waiting for... n abt... a few thousands more? hahakz!!
ultimate favourite is CASPER! i noe its old..i noe....'s still da bez... hahakz! hmm... 1)What a girl wants 2)Puteri Gunung Ledang (coz of da song Asmarada!) 3)pontianak Harum Sundal Malam 4)Anger Management 5)Finding Nemo 6)Tomb Raider 7)Lord Of The Rings!! (oooh...Legolas!!) n maybe abt a few hundred more to go... i wont bother typing coz im... laaaaaazieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
i dun watch TV unless there is an occasion... dun believe? cum on over n stay wit me for a few months.... i wont even glance the TV... im a boring person..i noe....
whoops!! my favourite part but unfortunately... there's too much!!! damn!!! shall i bore u? or shall i not? nah........ dun think i would...coz my fingers r tired.. already tired... basic lah kiez... books by Dan Brown... erm... Cate Tiernan.... n a few hundred thousands...