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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I've been keeping busy setting up new businesses, finishing family home here in London and going on expeditions with family and friends.Please check out most recent video of Helicopter Big Mountain Skiing in Manali Himachal Pradesh Indian Himalayas from March 2006.Thanks to the following people, we've made what we believe is something really special that you'll really enjoy watching.Justin Gilbert - Skier & Skipper - we braved a 60mW x 300mL avalanche out there - good mountaineering saved the day - you made wiping out at 5000m and jumping back up look easy!Damian Soning - Snowboarder & Tycoon - we never fail to seal a business deal when we're away together - awesome surfing in the video enjoying the curry powder...Nikki Storing - our Austrian guide for the day of filming -thanks to his technical skill for guiding and filming on the day, and then making the movieDanny Brunner - our swiss pilot kept jolly with imported swiss chocolate - we always felt safe with you even freefalling for a couple of miles down the valley!!!All the rest of the Himachal Team - Roddy, Jan, Trev, Bobby etc...If you're a good skier, book up with Jan Neuspiel, http://www.himachal.com, for most unique skiing experience you could ever have.Peace OutEd

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