Lethal Dose
was set up in may/june of 2003 in Warsaw, Poland. It was started up by three persons: Pawel Kafara vocal & guitar, Maciek Powojewski drums (still in the band) and Przemek Lucyan (ex-member) guitar. Some songs were taken from the times before Lethal Dose when Pawel and Maciek played together in other band. And some song was absolutelly new and written during rehersals. So we decided to record them without having a regular bass player. The first six songs demo material called Insane Like You was recorded in Narocz St Home Studio in Warsaw between march and may of 2004. Bass parts were recorded by a friend of the band Piotr Rzepoluch. The production and mixing was done by Kamil Roloff and the band. In june 2004 the new bass player Marian Lech joined Lethal Dose and the band started performing live. Between july & december of 2005 LD get in to the Janos & Narocz St studios and recorded second CD titled Niedaleko Stad that contains six news songs and the new version of Ty Albo Ja from the Insane Like You CD. Since then the band is performing live. In December 2006 Lethal Dose finished cooperation with the second guitarist. Now we are trio, we're preparing some new stuff and searching for a new member...
powstalo w Warszawie, na przelomie maja i sierpnia 2003 r. Zaczelo sie od trzech osob: Pawla Kafary-voc & git, Macka Powojewskiego-bebny i Przemka Lucyana- git, bv. Niektore numery byly wziete jeszcze z czasow, gdy Pawel z Mackiem grali w innym zespole. Reszta kawalkow byla nowa, napisana podczas prob. Nasze pierwsze Demo zdecydowalismy sie nagrac bez regularnego basisty. 6 utworowy material zatytulowany "Insane Like You..." zostal nagrany w Narocz Studio w Warszawie, pomiedzy marcem i majem 2004 r. Partie basu zagral znajomy zespolu, Piotr Rzepoluch. Material zmiksowal Kamil Roloff & LD. W lipcu 2004 do Lethal Dose dolaczyl nowy basista, Marian Lech i od tamtej pory zespol zaczal grac regularne koncerty. Pomiedzy lipcem i sierpniem 2005 r. LD nagralo Janos&Narocz Studio druga EP-ke zatytulowana "Niedaleko Stad" zawierajaca 6 nowych utworow i nowa wersje Ty Albo Ja z CD "Insane Like You". Od tamtej pory zepol wystepuje sie na zywo. W grudniu 2006 LD zakonczylo wspolprace z Przemkiem Lucyanem, drugim gitarzysta. Teraz gramy jako trio, tworzymy nowy material i szukamy nowego czlonka zespolu...
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