I don't update this thing particularly often, but that doesn't mean I don't check it.
If you really want to know more about me, just ask.
IM me @ chaoticpsychoX (AIM)
ishiiman0 on yahooIM
I moved from Los Angeles to Ann Arbor, Michigan to attend the University of Michigan as a graduate student in the School of Information in the fall of 2008. Going to spend the summer of 2009 back in Los Angeles (if all goes well) and will be returning to Michigan to complete my degree from August-May.
Please message me before you add me (unless, of course, you actually know me)
I've been getting a lot of phony adds and other crap, so just send me a message if you want me to listen to your band or think I look interesting, for whatever reason...
I like meeting new people...especially those into Aikido, Richard Wagner, and BDSM.