Myspace Layouts at / Music notes
Myspace Layouts at / Music notes
Concert band, Marching band, writing music,and playing instruments..
God, FAMU trombone section leader, Dr. Julian E. White, a whole lot of famous people
Myspace Zodiac Graphics
Ol' Skool, R&B, some Rap
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Patrick
Date of Birth: February 23, 1991
Birthplace: West Palm Beach
Current Location: Palm Beach
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5,7
Heritage: African American
Piercings: None
Tattoos: Not yet
Band/Singer: Erykah Badu
Song: Lost Without You
Movie: Saw 2
Disney Movie: Dont remeber any
TV show: Iron Chef
Color: Blue
Food: Chicken of course
Pizza topping: Most of them
Ice-Cream Flavor: Vanilla
Drink (alcoholic): Hennessy
Soda: Sprite
Store: IDK
Clothing Brand: None specific
Shoe Brand: None specific
Season: Summer
Month: February
Holiday/Festival: Christmas
Flower: Dont have one
Make-Up Item: Thats gay
Board game: IDK
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Rainy so I can sleep
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Sweet
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: Doesn't matter
Looks or personality: Personality
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Hot or cold: Cold
Goal for this year: Become a better person
Most missed memory: Band camp
Best physical feature: Ask yo mama lol
First thought waking up: Thanking the Lord
Hypothetical personality disorder: Being sarcastic
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Wouldnt want it
Sesame street alter ego: Cookie Monster
Fairytale alter ego: IDK
Most stupid remark: IDK
Worst crime: Swimming in pools
Greatest ambition: Becoming an educated black man
Greatest fear: Fear itself
Darkest secret: Ask and find out
Favorite subject: Music of course
Strangest received gift: Cant remember
Worst habit: Being rude
Do You:
Smoke: Nope
Drink: .....Nope
Curse: Ask my friends lol
Shower daily: Heck yeah
Like thunderstorms: Yeah (sleeping time)
Dance in the rain: Um no that for white people lol
Sing: Sometimes
Play an instrument: YES I DO
Get along with your parents: Yeah
Wish on stars: Nope to fairtale like
Believe in fate: Yeah
Believe in love at first sight: Nawl
Can You:
Drive: Yep
Sew: I think i learned at Kennedy
Cook: Of yeah I can throw down
Speak another language: I try
Dance: Yeah
Sing: O yeah
Touch your nose with your tongue: Nawl
Whistle: Yep
Curl your tongue: I think
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: .....Ask my friends
Been Stoned/High: Nawl
Eaten Sushi: Yeah
Been in Love: Yeah
Skipped school: Nawl
Made prank calls: Yeah when I was younger
Sent someone a love letter: Yeah
Stolen something: Nawl
Cried yourself to sleep: No thats for females
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Stupidity
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? The time my eyes close
Name three things you can't live without: Music, trombone, prayer
What is the color of your room? White
Do you have any siblings? Yeah
Do you have any pets? Yeah Lucky
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Nawl I dont hate just dislike
What is you middle name? Leon
What are you nicknames? None unless im around certain ppl
Are you for or against gay marriage? Against they need to repent
What are your thoughts ..ion? It should be done just dont have it or use PROTECTION
Do you have a crush on anyone? Not at the moment
Are you afraid of the dark? Nawl
How do you want to die? No but everyone has to
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 5 when I was about 8 and I was up all night
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Depends
What is the last law you’ve broken? Swimming where I should've been
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Dont matter
Eye color: Brown or haze (those are sexy)
Height 5,3-5,8
Weight Dont matter if you have a good personality
Most important physical feature: Titties
Biggest turn-off A str8 up dummy who always tallkin bout somebody
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Your Birthdate: February 23
You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem.
You're good at so much - you never know what to do.
Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long.
You are destined for a life of travel and fun.
Your strength: Your likeability
Your weakness: You never feel satisfied
Your power color: Bright yellow
Your power symbol: Asterisk
Your power month: May
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?/a
Marching Band Survey
What instrument(s) do you play?: Trombone and Baritone
Do you like it?: Heck Yeah
What is your favorite instrument?: Trombone
What do you think is the hardest instrument?: Trumpet
What do you think is the easiest instrument?: Bass drum
What is your least favorite instrument?: percussion instruments
What section are you in?: Trombone(F PHI T)
Are you the section leader?: No
If not, who is your section leader?: Charles Sears(F PHI T brother)
Do you like your section leader?: yeah
Do you like your section?: yeah
What is the laziest section, in your opinion?: Trumpets
What is the stupidest?: Percussion
What is the smartest section, besides your section?: Flutes/ piccolos
What is the largest section?: Percussion
What is the smallest section?: French Horns
Drum Majors and the Director
Who are your drum majors?: daisha,cori,and jordan
Do you like them?: they str8
Why?: i dont talk to them to much
Who is your Director?: Mr.Lonnie Greene
Do you like your Director?: heck yeah
The Band
Describe your band in one word: Outstanding
Do you have a small or large band?: large
How many members?: between 160 and 180
Is it a high school or college band?: high school
how good is the band at marching?: very good(depends on whos marching LOL)
How is the band on music: great
Are you going to do Marching band in college?: Heck Yeah
Are you going to be in Marching Band next year?: Heck Yeah
About this quiz
Did you like it?: its str8
Are you glad it's over?: yeah
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Which Griffin Family Guy Character are you?
Your Peter, Your Fat, Lazy, and probably a very funny character, not much more to say about you, except maybe to take it easy.
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