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adopt your own virtual pet!I like gardening, going to the beach, Shopping(especially at yard sales)... lol, anything outdoors... I also like drawing and painting... and too much stuff to name!!!..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>
My full name is...: Shannon Hart
My birthday is on...: Aug 2, 1968
My hair color is...: Blonde
My eye color is...: Blue/ Grey
My birthstone is...: Peridot
My favorite month is...: July
My favorite season is...: Summer!!!
My favorite sport is...: IDk
My favorite hobby is...: Shopping
My favorite color is...: Salmon
I have (this number of) siblings; they are...: 2: Candy and Shane
My favorite animal is...: Koi Fish ( beautiful and easy to care for)
My favorite song is...: " Bohemian rapsody" Queen
My favorite superhero is...: Under Dog
~*Do You...*~:
...smoke?: ummm... no not I
...drink alcohol?: Ummmmmm... a little ;) a lot?: Used to... Im Old
...plan to have an education after high school? If so, what major(s)?: In school now... what a trip to talk way too much?: YESSSSS to swim?: yep
...enjoy mudwrestling as a hobby?: On a good day
...still find cartoons amusing?: Not really with bubble wrap often?: Sometimes when Im bored
...have a job?: NOt YEt... are you hiring??
...always speak with correct grammar?: I aint fer sure
...know correct grammar?: YES
...have a crush on someone? If so, who?: Sure do... Rainbow Johnson
...have a favorite Sesame Street character?: Snuffaluffagus... the thing w/ the nose
~*Can I...*~
...sing?: Maybe to a deaf man
...whistle?: yeah
...cook?: hahaha call me Paula Dean
...ride a bicycle?: yeah an automobile?: YEP an automobile well?: Like a grandma... watch ya self
...juggle?: no...
...moonwalk?: after a few margaritas... an instrument? If so, which one(s)?: Violin
...swim?: YEs
...walk a tight-rope?: NO
...multi-task?: ONLY on a Good day!!!
...hold my breath for over 2 minutes?: Its possible!!
...hold my academics to a high standard?: Now I do
My nicknames are...: Shannie, Mamasita, Shelly
I live with...: My family...Casey O., Alex, Ashton, Jordan, and Buddy
My age is...: 21 going on 37
I want to be a(n) ______ when I grow up.: Surgical Tech. 1st assistant
Animals are...: Ok If they dont stink
My favorite day of the week is...: Saturday
Tinky Winky the Teletubby is...: Gay
I am an (inside/outside) person.: Inside
My personality, in less than 10 words, would be...: Super duper crazy... but fun at the same time
I take _____ (baths/showers/both/neither).: Showers... I cant take a bath w/o kids jumping in
I think school is...: Exciting
My favorite style(s) of music is/are...: Southern Rock
My family is...: The Best
I don't like mariachi bands...okay, that's not a question, but you know...: any entertainment is ok after a few Margaritas!!!
~*Yes or No?*~
I like politics.: No not my thing
Cheerleading is a sport.: Yeah
I eat turkey on Thanksgiving.: Who doesnt??
I sleep after I eat turkey on Thanksgiving.: No usually Im cleaning up
I get drunk on New Year's Eve.: No Im usually asleep before the peach even drops...lmao
I am Christian.: Yes!!!!
My name is Christian.: No but my daughter's Is aka Lexi loo
Mondays can be good.: If there is a half off sale
I wake up as soon as my alarm goes off...the first time.: I dont have an alarm... just kids that wake me up...
I would travel in outer space (even with the risks) if requested to.: Im afraid of heights ... but for a million bucks I might change my mind!!!
I would spare someone's life (even a stranger) with my own.: That requires a long thought
I was/am a Girl Scout/Cub Scout.: no... but I sure do LOVE those thin mint cookies
I like cheese.: Sure, as long as someone doesnt "Cut the Cheese" LOL
I've been out of the country before.: Yes... Cancun Mexico- hola
I live in a mansion.: For a poor person
I am afraid of heights.: YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!!!!
I am a virgin.: HAHAHA sure... I dont know where my 4 children came from
I curse often.: Well.... I have to say I do
I can tie my own shoes.: I wear crocs...
Sedentary activities are the best.: Maybe
I am a U.S. citizen.: YES
I've taken a collegiate test (ACT/SAT).: Yep
If yes on previous question:I scored at or above a 50th percentile.: Above... see blondes can be smart
I can dress myself.: Of Course
When the electricity goes out, I end up dressing with two different shoes.: I do that w/ the lights on!!!
I know binary code.: What??
I like school.: Yes
I wear glasses.: No
I wear contacts.: NO
I have/had braces.: Nope
I have broken a limb before.: YEs... fell off the patio
I appreciate the arts.: YEs
Disney movies are cool.: Sure
I sometimes read the dictionary for fun.: Medical Dictionary
I exercise philanthropic skills in life. (I am kind to everyonel.): Namasate
I am THE GOAT!: I hate goats... they are hideous
I like the song "YMCA".: Sure do
I am optimistic: Try to be
I am tired of this survey.: Well I didnt want to say anything... But It is Kinda long
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You've been totally Bzoink*d ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>
adopt your own virtual pet!..
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People who are REAL not fake!!! :)
Myspace Layouts
Stuff for your blog!
Stuff for your blog!
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adopt your own virtual pet!I enjoy listening to... Queen, Pink Floyd, Mothers Finest, Lynard Skynard, The Eagles, or anything that sounds good!!! But I cant stand rap!!! lol Im old School
You Are a Margarita
You aren't just the life of the party, you are the party!
You mix a good drink, bust out some great music, and know how to get down.
What Mixed Drink Are You?Take the quiz:
Which Far out 60's-70's band are you?
Pink Floyd
You are PINK FLOYD! This means your deep yet misunderstood...and the hard core drugs don't help either.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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The Notebook, Fried Green Tomatoes, Green Mile, The Wizard of Oz, Old Man and the Sea, Phantom of the Opra, and many many more...
Which Tarot Card Are You?
You are the Universe card, sometimes called the World card. The Universe is the complete, perfect whole. The spiritual path has come to an end and enlightenment is reached. Events have reached completion. The different facets of your life are well-integrated and harmoniously balanced. This is an ideal state in which to rest and feel the true state of your vibrant physical being. Your creative potential is maximized and you have achieved goals that you have set for yourself in the past. After enjoying the pleasure of this state, a new cycle can begin with new challenges and triumphs that will keep you feeling alive and keep building on the foundations you have planted thus far. Image from The Stone Tarot deck.
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Anything on the Discovery channel, Trading Spouses, Wife Swap, History Channel, House, anything that looks interesting!!
Memiors of a Geisha, Opra Winfrey's book club books, Ect.
God, my husband (Casey), My father(Frankie), everyone at Genzyme, and my beautiful and loving children.