WATCH THE VIDEO until the end. It's only 2 minutes long. I'm in it!
Chris Reyes, that's me. -I am where it's at...yoo know that. ;) Seriously though, if you've found me on here, there are a couple of ways from which we probably know each other. We either know each other from the club scene, the race/car show scene, or we're actually "friends," in the purest sense. If it's one of the former, or if we have just been newly introduced, then we really don't know each other too well, and this would be a great time to change that, should you care to do so. Outside of all the bling bling and the cool shirts/expensive jeans and the rest of the stuff that is only skin-deep, there' so much more to me, and you. . .
Being in the public eye is cool, but it allows people to create misconceptions about you. For me to tell you right now who I am would only be biased. So I'll let you tell me what you think, if you care to find out. Email is [email protected] and AIM is yoolykeme. If you want to see more pictures, check out: