Listen to WKDU 91.7FM in Philadelphia for the best Reggae, Dancehall, Soca & Calypso Every Thursday - Sunday. Tune in on your radio if you are in the area or log on through our website wkdu.orgTHURSDAYS
Duprex "Jam City Rock" 6PM-9PMFRIDAYS
Trevor "The Morning Ride" 7AM-9AM
Chyna & Inocent "C'n'I Zone" 9PM-12PMSATURDAYS
Gregory "The gospel Jam"
Kerwin "Caribbean Link-Up" 11AM-1PM
Reggae Vibration Family 12PM-3PM
R&R Family 3PM-6:05PM
Vybz Xpress 6:05PM-9PM
Alvin & Ras Tully 9PM-12AM