I am a student of life. I enjoy sports, gaming, movies and many other things. I am also a father of three beautiful children.In my spare time I work out (even though I don't look like it). I read books and enjoy hours upon hours of MMA on TV.At one point of my life I competed in sport Tae Kwan Do. Spent eight years learning and about four years teaching.
Recently I spent six months in one of the most unique dojos
I have ever been to. Unfortunately my body told me it was time to give up on the formal training.Now I am an independent practitioner. My background in the combative arts include Judo, Hapkido, Boxing, Tae Kwan Do and a short stint in Akumu (see Evolution Fight Club below).
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Which Greek God are you? Which Greek God are you?
My Result: Apollo
The son of Zeus, and the brother of the goddess Artemis,he is the god of arts,
archery, and divination. He represents order, harmony, and civilization in a way
that most other Olympian deities cannot quite equal. Apollo is most often associated
with the cultivated arts of music and medicine, and his role as the leader
of the Muses establishes him as a patron of
intellectual pursuits.
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