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Chris and Jennie

jennie and chris

About Me

Jennie- I'm 18 years old. i go to st. louis university and i am majoring in psychology. i like music, art, politics, and global health studies.Chris- I live in st. louis and Im going to SLU for computer science.

My Interests

JENNIE- singing, reading, music, politics CHRIS- music, politics, movies, reading

I'd like to meet:

JENNIE- paul farmer, angelina jolie, and jenny lewis CHRIS- noam chomsky, george orwell, Siddhartha Gautama


jennie- rilo kiley, norah jones, coldplay, hot hot heat, sufjan stevens, ella fitzgerald, count basie, weezer, arctic monkeys, k.t. tunstall, sigur ros, bach, erik satie, beethoven, handel, bloc party, imogen heap,my morning jacket, miller owen, the little willies, calexico, buck cherry, ani difranco, anna nalick, CHRIS-bright eyes, her space holiday, the mars volta, bach, beethoven,the kooks, fischerspooner, radiohead, sinatra, the magic numbers, sigur ros, norah jones, john hartford, rilo kiley, Self, Clinic


JENNIE- boondock saints, city of god, trainspotting, anything tarantino directs, transamerica, amelie, green street hooligans, american history x, everything is illuminated CHRIS- city of god, boondock saints, One flew over the cuckoos's nest, Anything with Edward Norton


JENNIE and CHRIS - aqua teen hunger force, south park, futurama, and the office(Brittish version)


JENNIE- farenheit 451, 72 hour hold, the perks of being a wallflower, but my all time favorite author is definitely chuck palahniuk (fight club, lullaby, choke, diary, stranger than fiction, haunted), infections and inequalities, mountains beyond mountains CHRIS- chuck palahniuk books, wealth of nations, 1984, and anything written by Noam Chomsky,


JENNIE- paul farmer CHRIS- Siddhartha Gautama

My Blog

Good News

I figured out I will be going to SLU next semester instead of UMSL. Somehow I got an award so Im getting a great scholarship. 
Posted by Chris and Jennie on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 08:02:00 PST