Member Since: 16/05/2006
Band Members: Morey - Vocals,
JP Amsterdam - Guitar,
Johnny Amsterdam - Bass,
Ringo Ramone - Drums
Influences: 4 Strangers, A Passing Fancy, Adam & The Ants, Annabee-Nox, Answers, Apaches, Atlantics, ATVFF, Aztecs, B. B. Brothers, Back Beets, Banshees, Barracudas, Barrington Davis, Be Neats, Beat Buddies , Beat Merchants, Beatmen, Beatnicks, Beavers, Beep Beep and the Roadrunners, Beethovens, Betty & The Id, Billy & The Kids, Billy Thorpe & The Aztecs, Bintangs, Birds, Black Bumbles, Black Diamonds, Black Watch, Blue Rondos, Bobby james & the Vibrants, Bold, Bondsmen, Boss Todes, Boys From Nowhere, Brent & The Spectres, Brouges, Bubble Puppy, Bucaneers, Buddahs, Bunny, Bunnys, Butlers, Buzzcocks, Canadian Rogues, Carnabeats, Castells, Celibate Rifles, Chambermen, Chancellors, Checkmates International, Cheetahs, Children of Darkness, Children Of E, Chocolate Watch Band, Choir, Cinque Monelli, Clue, Corporate Image, Corruption Inc., Counts, Covingtons, Crockett, Jimmy & The Shanes, Crusade, Crystal Chandelier, D.G. Williams and the Delta Raiders, Damn Dirty Apes, Damned, Danny & The Royal Strings, Danny & The Seniors, Dark Ages, David, Daytonas, Deans, Derek's Accent, DMZ, Donnie Sutherland & The Titans, Dorktones, Downliners Sect, Drastics, Dry Ice, Dswooners, Duffy, Dynamites, Eastern Alliance, Easybeats, Elois, Emporer's, English Setters, Escorts, Esquires, Euphoria, Extremes, Fabulous Frauleins, Fingers, Firestones, Five, Frankie St. John & Ashes To Ashes, Freak outs, Furys, Galaxies IV, Gaylan Ladd, Gentlemen Wild, German Bonds, Girl Trouble, Gli Evangelisti, Golden Earrings, Graeme Chapman, Green Beans, Green Onions, Grey Thines, Guards, Hall, Chris & The Torquays, Headhunters, Hergs, Hermon Knights, High-Tensions, Hound Dogs, Hugu Tugu, Human Beings, Hustlers, I Barrittas, I Bisonti, I Chewing Gum, I Condors, I Jaguars, I Profeti, I Ragazzi Dai Capelli Verdi, I Ragazzi Del Sole, I Want Her Back, Ill Winds, Impacts, Initial Shock, Instincts, J Goon & The Belvederes, J. Michael & The Bushmen, Jams, Jay Jays, Jaybirds, Jeckle And Hydes, Jeff Quan, Jimmy Powell, John English III, Johnny Thompson Quintet, Johnny Thunder, Jormas, Judge N Jury, Just Us, K-otics, Keith Everett, Keith Kessler, Kentuckys, Le Anime, Legends, Lemon & The Limes, Les Mann, Les Sauterelles, Lions, Little Boy Blues, Little John & The Sherwoods, Live Wires, Lollipop Shoppe, Lollipops, Long John Thomas and The Duffs, Long John Thomas and The Dufs, Lonnie Duvall, Loos Foos And The Fiberglass Cornflake, Loose Ends, Lord & His Barons, Lords, Los Apson, Los Boppers, Los Crazy Boys, Los Locos Del Ritmo, Los Rockin Devils, Los Rockin Rebeldes, Los Santos Del Rock, Los Sinners, Lost Tribe, Love, Inc., Lyres, Maggots, Mahow Mahows, Mal Thursday & The Cheetahs, Mards, Mark 5, Mark Markham and His Jesters, Marks, Marquis, Mavi Isiklar, Maxwell Brothers, Me and Dem Guys, Measles, Mike Furber, Mike Furber & The Bowery Boys, Missing Lynx, Misunderstood, Mojos, Mondo Topless, Moonjacks, Mops, Morey & The Amsterdams, Morey and The Amsterdams, Morloch, Mr. Lucky & The Gamblers, Muleskinners, Mustardmen, Mystic Eyes, Mystrys, Namelosers, Neighb'rhood Childr'n, Nervous Eaters, New Colony Six, New Dada, New Dangers, New Wing, News, Nightwalkers, Niteriders, No-Mads, No-Na-Mees, Noi Tre, Normie Rowe & The Playboys, Norsemen, NOT The Other Half, Off Beats, Opus 1, Others, Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind, Outcast, Owl, Painted Ship, Patterns, Paul & Johnny With The Blue Jets, Paul messis, Paul Revere & The Raiders, Pee White & The Magic Strangers, Personals, Peter And The Prophets, Phantom Brothers, Play Boys, Positively 13 O'Clock, Primitives, Psycho Surgeons, Puddin' Heads, Purple Gang, Purple Hearts, Q'65, Quests, Radio Birdman, RAIN, Rajahs, Ramones, Randy and the Radiants, Rats, Ray Brown & The Whispers, Ray Columbus, Realms, Reign, Remains, Renegades V,, Rhythm & Blues Inc., Rhythm Checkers, Riddles, Rides, Road Runners, Rockin' Ramrods, Rockin' Roadrunners, Rocking Vicars, Rocky & His Friends, Rogues, Rolling Beats, Rolling Stones, Rooks, Roosters, Royal Coachmen, Royals, Russ Kruger, Saints, Satans Breed, Section 5, Shady Daze, Sham Rock, Sheapes, Showmen, Silver Fleet, SKip & 102's, Sneekers, Snobs, Sonics, Soothsayers, Sound Explosion, Sound Ltd Set, Sound On Sound, Soup Greens, Spacerich66, Specters, Spiders, Split Ends, Stains, State Of Mind, Steve & The Board, Stoke Set, Stovepipe No. 4, Stranglers, Stronger Than Dirt, Takeshi Terauchi & The Bunnys, Talismen, Telstars, Tempters, Tenpole Tudor, The 3rd Evolution, The 9th Street Market, The Aardvarks, The Addition, The Aromatics, The Assortment, The Bare Facts, The Barons, The Be Neats, The Beachcombers, The Beaux Jens, The Blokes, The Blues Company, The Bluestars, The Boys From Nowhere, The Boyz, The Bunch, The Celibate Rifles, The Challenge, The Changing Tymes, The Cheepskates, The Chentelles, The Chessmen, The Coachmen Five, The Cobras, The Courtmen, The Crickle, The Crumpets, The Daytonas, The Dimensions, The Diplomats, The Dorktones, The Eastern Dark, The Emperor's, The Emperors, The Flies, The Fourgiven, The Fuzztones, The Gnats, The Golden Cups, The Gravedigger V, The Guilloteens, The Gun Club, The Hooligans, The Humane Society, The Interns, The Intruders, The Jades, The Jet City Five, The JuJus, The La De Da's, The Legends, The Librettos, The Lonely Hearts, The Loved Ones, The Maggots, The Mahow Mahows, The Marksmen, The Misterians, The Mosquitos, The Mussies, The Mystic Eyes, The Nightbirds, The Not Quite, The Omens, The Others, The Outcasts, The Outlets, The Pacifics, The Palace Guard, The Pandoras, The Passengers, The Penetraters, The Pets, The Plagues, The Plymouth Rockers, The Pogs, The Preachers, The Pretty Things, The Quests, The Ranger Sound, The Real List, The Red Roosters, The Right Of Way, The Rovin' Kind, The Saharas, The Seeds, The Sheffields, The Shoutless, The Soul Benders, The Sound Explosion, The Spacemen, The Speedies, The Starfires, The Stomachmouths, The Sunsets, The Swinging Machine, The Tell-Tale Hearts, The Things, The Tribe, The Trip, The Troyes, The Turbines, The Ugly Ducklings, The Unclaimed, The Untouchables, The Utica Club Natural Carbonation Band, The Vipers, The What, The What Fours, The Wild Cherries, The Wipers, Third Evolution, Thyrds, Tidal Waves, Tigermen, Time Stoppers, Tol-Puddle Martyrs, Tom Dae Turned On, Tombstones, Toni McCann, Tonto & The Renegades, Tony Barber, Tony Worsley & The Blue Jays, Trailers, Trash Stranglers, Tree, Universal Set, Unknown IV, Valkyries, Varios Artistas, Various Artists, Vibrations, Victims, Vilas Craig and the VI Counts, Vintage ToonCast, Vistas, Von Ghouls, W.B. Vaughan, W.C. Fields Memorial Electric String Band, West Coast Branch, Wet Paint, Wild Cherries, Wild Ones, Wild Thing, Wildfang, The Band With 1,001 Names, William Penn and the Quakers, Woodpeckers, Wranglers, Wrong Directions, X, Zip Codes, Zoo Nee Voo,
Sounds Like: A bunch of guys with too much time on their hands
Type of Label: Major