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Myspace Survey
Sponsor: Get 15 Complimentary Ringtones Now!*** About me ***
Are you registered to vote? (And have you yet?) Noo im 16 :s
Do you look like your mom or your dad? Dont no
What does your name mean? Erm sumin bout bein great lol
What is your favorite sport to watch? football of cors
Are you a vegetarian? nope
Explain your political beliefs. i dnt no really jus hate da BNP (Y)
What's your favorite color? Blue
What's your favorite animal? erm i dno a cheetah :S
Explain how you've changed in the past year. well quite a lot i spose but stil me if dat makes sense
Do you like having your picture taken? Why? i like takin da picture myself but if sum1 else iz takin it den na :D
Are you ghetto? lool i try not 2 b in dat state of mind
Why do you admire people? did i say i admire ppl :S na but cz dey hav dun fings i wud like 2 do i dunnooo
What's your favorite album/CD? kanye west's 1st album college dropout
Explain what you think about dating. lol u shudnt get in2 mre den 1 serious fing at a time trus me itz not a gd idea
Who do you talk to most on the phone? Cara probly
*** MySpace and me ***
How many times a day do you go on myspace? erm once 2 chek comments n stuf unless i feel lyk goin on
Have you ever posted a comment for Tom? nope
Have you met anyone online? erm iv added ppl on 2 msn frm myspace :S
Would you date someone younger than you? yh not 2 young doe
Do you have a blog? yh posted dem by accident wen i 1st started myspace
Have you ever read an article about defeating MySpace addiction? lol nope
How many groups are you a member of on myspace? none
Have you ever missed a meal because you were busy on myspace? nope
Would you date someone you met online? onli if i actuli get 2 meet dem n c dem alow dem internet relationships
Do you post chain bulletins very often? try not 2 unless i get bored
How often do you check for new comments on myspace? weneva i get an email frm myspace
Have you ever been late to work because of myspace? nope
Would you cry if MySpace stopped working? lol noo
How many people do you have on your friends list? luk 4 urself ^o)
Why do you use myspace? i reli dnt no
*** What I like ***
Love or like? love erm football, music, sum1
What is/was your favorite subject in school? erm ict probz n p.e 2 play football lol
Tastes great, or less filling? eatin pepperoni pizza atm :D n luv stew chicken wiv rice n peas lol or ackee n saltfish wid dumplins
What is your favorite number? 17 my bday day
Hug or kiss? depends if der breath is kikin lol jks i dno
For a girl: short or long hair? long
What's your favorite song? erm rite now probly w.e my profile song is
Favorite website? dnt hav 1
Cell phone, land line, or talking with a mic on the computer? cell
What kind of music do you hate? erm death metal lyk all dat screamin ****
Skinny dipping or chunky dunking? im baffed :S lol
Where is your favorite place to be? on holiday sumwher hot or my bed
Favorite month? april
Long or short hair? erm long spose i dnt no depends i gt long hair doe cainrowed doe
Abortion or adoption? adoption
*** People ***
Who is the most controversial person you know? erm i dnt no
Who is the most fun person you know? a lot of ppl
Who annoys you? once agen a lot of ppl
Who is the most unique person you know, and why? erm i wud say but sum otha ppl mite not lyk it :D ask me n if itz u il tell u
Who of your friends can tell anything to you? cnt tel u dat
Who is your favorite celebrity? dnt reli care bout celebrities 2 b honest
Who is the skinniest person you know? :S i dnt no
You're having a bad day. Who do you want to talk to? erm dnt wori
Who is the smartest person you know? yanick probz
Who is the fattest person you know? lool 8-)
Who do you trust? erm trust varies
Who did you last talk to? wel im on msn so im chatin 2 a lot of ppl
Last person to make you cry? cnt rememba dat wz timee ago
Your best friend: dnt hav 1 :)
Who do you want to meet? dnoo
Sponsor: Click here for HOT ringtones
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