Statement of Purpose:
Who we are and why we started this campaign:
We are ordinary people. We are college students and activists. We started this campaign because we are tired of being exploited by corporate interests who see us not as people, but as resources, as mere means to an end- tools by which corporations may generate profit to enrich the lives of a select few at the expense of the many. This campaign is an attempt to build a grassroots movement against this system of exploitation. To this end, we call upon people all over the world to join together in solidarity and embrace these points:
1. Boycott Big Oil - Hold them accountable
2. Demand support for alternative and mass transportation- Ride your bike, the bus, or carpool.
3. Resist the destruction of the environment-Say NO to relaxed environmental standards.
While our short term goal is to educate and empower people to action, our long term vision is the development of a carless, community-centric society; to achieve a complete stoppage of our dependence on oil, and a reversal of the suburban sprawl which perpetuates such dependence. This campaign is but the initial stage in moving us towards that ultimate vision.
"Those who wish to control their own lives and move beyond existence as mere clients and consumers- those people ride a bike." - Wolfgang Sachs