All is fair in Love and Basketball.
Name?: Trevor
Age?: 17
Birthdate?: Nov.12.1989
Height and Weight?: 5'3 and 125lbs.
Nickname?: TCeazZz
Vertical?: I dunno,but I got upz 4 a lil nigga
What shoes do you ball in?: Nikeman All day mah nigga
Do you play in low, mid, or high socks?: High
Do you play in arm bands,head bands,ect.?: Headband,anr band,and leg
Most points in a game?: 8
Scorer or playmaker?: playmaker
How long have you been playing?: 5 yearz
Pregame routine?: jus stayin focused
Do you put ppl on lockdown with your D?: wen I'm fired up OD
Do you hate practice?: nah,I love it
Favorite NBA player?: Jason Kidd
Favorite College player?: dont' have 1
Favorite High School player?: ^^^^
Favorite And1 streetballer?: Dha Professor
Favorite Dime55 streetballer?: huh???
Favorite NBA team?: New Jersey Nets
Favorite College team?: Dike
Melo, LBJ ,or D-Wade?: D Wizzle
Pick a Little Big Guy:Earl Boykins, Nate Robinson, Jameer Nelson,T.J. Ford?: Nte
Pick a Shooter : Micheal Redd, Ray Allen, James Posey, or Damon Jones?: Ray Ray
Sebastian Telfair or Chris Paul?: CP3
Which Conf. is the strongest: PAC10, BIG 12, ACC, SEC, BIG EAST, or BIG10?: Big 12
Best Dunker you ever played?: Sean KilPactrick
Best Ball Handler you ever played?: dunno,lotz
Fastest/Quickest player you ever played?: Robby
Tallest player you ever played?: Nigga 4rm Edegmont
The BEST player you ever played?: I don't jock
Do you watch WNBA?: sumtimes
Who's your favorite WNBA player?: Deanna Nolan...daz mah boo
What are your numbers?: don't have em yet
Offense or Defensive player?: lil of both
Do you call for the ball in the clutch?: want it
Best opponent you have shut down?: Robby,lol
Who do you play like?: myself
Who is your toughest opponent?: dunno
Favorite basketball movie?: Love and Basketball nigga!!!
Jumpshot or set-shot?: Jump-hsoy
Pick a Clutch player :Robert Horry, Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady, Dwane Wade?: Kobe
Where do you hate to play?: Group homes,no offense
Do people respect your game?: I dunno
What school do you play for?: i'm tryin out 4 Old Westbury College
State Champions?: dis college nigga
Obsessed with basketball?: OD
Why do you play?: Cuz I love da shit
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damn, wat can i say about trevor.....well 1st off let me say this is my best n closest we been through mad shit 2gether & its crazy cause i onli knew him 4 like 2 years. wen i first meet him i thought he was jus sum lil bitch ( n he didnt exactly prove me wrong lol) but as time went on he realli grew on me.dis dude is like my brother 4real. hes prolly the onli 1 other then my immediate family i would take a bullet 4 7 I MEAN THAT!!!!! everytime i wit dis dude we have mad fun like we never stop laffin. he sumtimes gets on my nevers n complains alot but i jus cant let his anoyin ass go no homo. hes seen me at my best, n hes prolly 1 of the few whos seen me at my worst (we're not gonna get into it cause we all make mistakes) all in all i love dis dude unconditionally n hes gonna b my nigga till the day i die
WELL..WELL..WELLL...When it comes down to Trever I$iah Ceasar i might kill 4 him..he's 1 of da few people who i consider my family he's My Brother like i luv da nikka and its type funny cause i onli knew him 4 a few years...Dont Get me wrong He can be VERY annoying and WRONG and for some strange reason he thinks he "RUNS THINGS" lol but at he end of the day if anyone fucks with him he know i got his back WELL depending on who the person is lollllll thers no use 4 both of us getting are A$$e$ kicked lmao...J/p Even tho me and him almost had a million fist fights,million arguments (which i won) i luv this dude And I MIGHT i mean MIGHT take a bullet 4 his ass loll...Idk what i would do wif out his lil ass being around he got me outta so much shit from girls to cab ride's home lmao...Tha Moral Of Tha Story I$ I Luv Da Nikka & i wouldent trade him 4 anything in the world but money lmaooo
Ravyne is totally hackin up n down this boy called Trever Isaiah Ceasars page cuz im the #1 person in his life besides his mama n the lord.umm.bout ma boo trever.wat can i say.oo his name is actually spelled TREVOR.but i spell it've met in the beginning of 06,which at tht time he hated me inside n no he loves to death.thts sumthin is lke 5'3''lol.short.haha.but his personalitly makes him lke 6'7''.lol.this is the dude i can always cum to hug,smack,love,cry,etc etc.i love this boy he the best thing tht happen to me since i came to high school.even though he swears he can beat the crap out of me n i now i can kill his ass,he the sweetest boy a grl can eva meet.hes respectful.a boy the u can b wif 4eva.well mayb jus females betta treat him right cuz he prolly go screw another grl in a yea.thts all i wanna say bout ma older younger brother((insider))cuz i dnt b here writin a life storii of how me n him came to I LOVE U TREVER NOW N FOREVER.n nuffin iz gunna change.mauh.
i love u
first of all.. let me tell yall that trevor isaiah ceasar is and will always b mah babi iight.. lol. but yea. homeboy rite here is tha best boy u will ever meet.. u will never find another one like him. im sayin.. he is caring nd sweet.. nd like he will listen nd help wif any problem u have.. like everyone loves him.. like u will never find a person that hates dis dude. like 4real. nd i must say.. dude has gotten cuter since tha last time we hung out. college musta changed a dude. lol. but yea. like even thou i put this dude through hell nd he's still one of mah best friends. we have some great memories together that i will never 4get. even thou we dont tlk as much, i love him. he's the best!!!! mucho love babi!!
My Baby...R.I.P :_(
myspace ? survey
name: Trevor
nicknames: Trev,TCeazZz,Nate Rob,lol
age: 18
birthday: Nov.12.1989
location: Old Westury campus (Long Island)
school/grade: 2nd Semester Freshman in college
backgrounds: African American
siblings: None,I'm an onli child
straight/bi/gay: Staight P***y
job: Starbux Barista
hair color: Brownish Black
eye color: Brown
height: 5'3 lol
ethnicity: Black
label: Wat??
look like a celeb: Dee Brown (Illinos)
dye your hair: nah man
have bangs: I amma Boii,lol (quick,where iz dhat 4rm??)
have braces: nah,need em..
wear glasses: nahh 20/20 niggaaa,lol
wear contacts: ^^^^^
piercings: Yup,mah ears
tattoos: nah
color: Red,blaaaaahh!!!.... sike,lmaoo
movie: Love and Basketball
tv show: Family Matters
animal: Lion
food: French Fries
drink: Sprite
alcoholic drink: I dont like 2 drink
car: Dont rele have 1
day of the week: Fridaii..cuz I aint got no job,and I aint ot shyt 2 do,lol (where'z dat 4rm??)
season: Summa
song: Tha Good Life (Kanye West)
sport: Basketball
radio station: Hot 97
resturant: Dont have 1
teacher: ^^^^^
class: American History
holiday: Christamss
quote: "A real athelet kno'z his limitaions,and kno'z he haz none"
book: HA HA Reading,good 1 lol.
magazine: SLAM
flower: I dunno nigga
memory: Highschool
tv channel: Nickelodeon (alwaii'z gonna b a kidd)
person you hugged: Shameeka
person you kissed: Ravyne
thing you said: words to "Shooter" lol
thing you ate: M&M'z
imed: Victor
texted: Kyle
you called: Mah dad
called you: ^^^^
person you saw: Fetra
you have a long convo with: Iashia
prettiest: gotta ask a girl
stupidest: Victor
smartest: Kyle,I guess
best house: Eric
best car: Eric
best parents: I like all mi friends parents
loudest: Victor
funniest: Victor
craziest: Idk
most shy: I dunno,dey all pretty outgoin
always has a boyfriend/girlfriend: No1 rele,Vic iz tha onli 1 who has a girl now
always has parties: Larry tries,lol
best girl friend: I dunno
best guy friend: They all do,cuz Im there best guy friend,lol
known the longest: Kj
known the shortest: Fetra
look up to the most: Vic (iz equall looking up 2)
opinionated: Fetra
athletic: Rudii
most likely to pass out drunk: Me,loll
to go streaking: Larry'z gayy ass,lol
become a cop: Eric'z snitch ass
become famous: Larry prolly if it aint me,lol
kill someone: Eric,he'z a nut case,lol
try to take over the world: Me
summer or winter: Summa
dog or cat: Dogg
pepsi or coke: Pepsii
cellphone or ipod: ughh..cellphone
ocean or pool: Pool
black or white: Black
chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
flowers or candy: Candii
rock or rap: R&B
tv or movie: T.V
aim or myspace: AIM
stars or hearts: *Starz*
bracelet or necklace: Necklace
gold or silver: Gold
brunette or blonde: Brunette,wateva dat iz,lol.
kisses or hugs: Kisses
pen or pencil: Pen'z
lb or oc: Wat???
drank: yes,sadly
smoked: NEVER
failed a test: Nahh man,dont do doez
had sex: No :_(
been home alone: nahh
stayed home from school: I live at mi skool,lol
been to the mall: yeaa
bought a book: ha haaa buy bookz,lol.
been to a show/concert: nahh
yelled at someone: Yes
got into a fight/argument: yeaa
cried to a friend: nahh
told the truth: yeaa nigga,I dont lie. lol
told a lie: yea,lmaoo
been out of state: Yea 2 VA 4 a tournament
iN Y0UR R00M
tv: yup
your own phone: nah shared
your own phone line: ^^^^
vcr: nahh man,itz 2008
dvd player: yeaa
radio: Alarm Clock
computer: yeaa
posters: Yes
of what?: Basketball playa'z
pictures: nahh
of who?: ^^^^^
taken or single: Single :_(
got a crush: yup
name pleaseee: Rhymes wif Candii,lmaoo
how far have you gone: All tha waii
how far do you want to go: ^^^^^
last person you said i love you to: Rayne
1::: Parents
2::: Family (includes close family friends)
3::: Th@ Wo0d
4::: Ravyne
5::: Camille
6::: Rudolf, Fetra and dha rest of mi "Ya Tu Sabe" Niggaz
7::: Twinz (Carrissa & Kinetta)
8::: PplzZz in GB,and Woodlandz
9::: Old West Pplz
10::: Fam at Chruch
1::: God
2::: Parents
3::: Fam
4::: Th@ Wo0d
5::: Pplz in GB and Woodlandz
6::: Pplz in Old West'
7::: Basketball
8::: Lefteye
9::: Beyonce
1::: Gettin bad grades
2::: Doing bad inna basketball game
3::: Fake People
4::: Stupid shyt that can b avoided
5::: Gettin stopped at by tha yellow lite....OMFGGG!!!! :0
6::: shyt talker's
7::: War
8::: Reading
1::: God
2::: Parents
3::: Fam
4::: Girlz
5::: Tha Wood
6::: T.V
7::: Cell Phone/Sidekick
1::: Du Rag
2::: Wife beata
3::: Shorts
4::: Draws
5::: Socks
6::: Slippers
1::: With mi girl (if I had 1)
2::: Having sex
3::: At a Partii
4::: Playin ball
5::: driving
1::: NBA store
2::: Against all odds
3::: Footlocker
4::: Best buy
1::: Mi girl (if I had 1)
2::: T.V
3::: Cell phone
1::: Sidekick
2::: Laptop
1::: Special sum1
DiD Y0U...
like the survey: yeaa itz aight
wish it were over 5 minutes ago: yesss,lol
lie about anything: nahh man
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R&B,Hip-hop,rap,nd nething dat makes me think of her
Love and basketball,Tha Wood,Boyz in da hood, Cooley High,Back 2 tha Future series
Family Matters,Fresh Prince,Family Guy,Cosby Show
Ha Ha....reading
My parents