...jumping on trampolines, working out hard, shopping, driving, riding on the back of Jerry's bike (he got his bike back :) ), going out to eat, running, long walks with my dogs(and other peoples dogs) and daughter, making lists of shit to do, cooking, doing laundry, taking pictures, gardening, lying out, traveling to new places, Christmas shopping for other people and decorating for holidays...going to Vegas...going to the beach with Maz and Jer, fishing, taking Maz for Ibert rides, camping, sledding. I'm flexible.
oh gosh...it depends on a day to day basis...ya know? Like a mood. I'm all over the place. I like everything....as long as it has a beat...a good beat, or a good message, or gives me warm feelings in my tummy...or reminds me of a good memory... Seriously. I like all music.
Goonies, Stand by me, Pulp Fiction, Titanic, (not done)
NIP TUCK! Re-runs of Rosanne, The Cosby show...and channel 139 on digital cable...MTV2. Idol. XM on digital cable. Don't have time for TV...too busy gamboling around.
My parents,my brother Andy, Jerry and probably Kyler from the RCC...