Tickets are on sale now for the 6th annual RI Sustainale Living Festival. Join us rain or shine on Saturday June 9th for a day of awesome music (two stages), workshops, vendors and alternative energy demos. We're the only festival we know of that's solar powered! Check out to buy tickets (new low price this year) and for info on workshops and music.
The Apeiron Institute is a nonprofit that works to create ecologically healthy communities by promoting sustainable living practices from around the world in this region. At the heart of what we do is helping people and institutions understand the connection between their lifestyle choices and the environment. We offer real-world solutions to improving people's health and wellness, while at the same time reducing their environmental impact. In addition to offering workshops, classes, and programs for people of all ages, we run an information resource center and a statewide coalition, all on sustainable living. For those of you new to the concept of sustainability, we mean taking the long-sighted view of how our actions effect future generations, and making sure we don't deplete resources or cause pollution at rates faster than the earth is able to renew them.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
People and groups that are into sustainable living, fair trade, alternative energy, biodiesel, music, conservation, composting, organic farms & gardens