darkdelights profile picture


The only difference between a diamond in the ruff and a showcase is the someone who will take the ti

About Me

Myspace Backgrounds
What can i say..to know me is to know laughter..to capture my friendship is to embrace strength..to love me is to have a life that can only soar.
Cool Slideshows guess you can say lessons learned in my life become treasured strengths for others. I am a wife, a mother, a friend, and a well rounded lover(marriage isn't the end..its just the start..lol) ..i'm funny, i'm serious, i'm perverted, i'm honest,I'm caring I'm daring and i'm 100% hardcore for Jesus.. down for God no matter the weather and NEVER waivering.Doesn't mean i don't have up days and down, i just refuse to settle for the down and be content with the up.. You can learn religion, you can master tradition, all of which leave you empty and the same.. but when you have a true intimate experience with Christ, relationship is birth and from that you grow, you learn, you get restored and bring others along at their PACE.I love to laugh, the group clown at all times i love to bring a smile to others, a hug if needed and always comfort if i can.. so much about me can't be explained only experienced...lol.. those who know me know i can become all things to all people at anytime, because i got it like that..lol.. so from what was once broken and now restored..having peace is all so fulfilling..much luv.

My Interests

People and everything that involves them and makes them up..did i leave anything out..lol..writing, poetry and art...

I'd like to meet:

anyone who enjoys the thrill of something new, something that challengs your mind, and endless humor..those who can enjoy creativity with a spark...although i must warn you my blogs are where i work out my thoughts, where i cease to exist and creativity does... where you enter my world and i change yours.. Do they reveal me? Are they about me? Only the pen knows and he likes work so he's not telling..lol..They only scratch the surface of my many sides... i write to express the things people won't and to explore what others are afraid too and if you have a problem with them don't READ THEM...Using your mindUsing your mind

Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your mind. Sex is mostly in your mind and to your partners delight you have mastered the arts of seduction and atmosphere.

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com


Christian anything that has a beat at times and peace at other times.. jazz, country, a little R&B, the rest i just add as i hear..lol"
Cool Slideshows


Let me see, i love action i mean like (gladiator, troy, unleashed,the transporter..etc) type action, comedy,psychological thrillers, NO HORRORS, old black and whites, classic movies, most movies by Disney and of course the classic at all times chick flicks ..lol


what i used to watch huh...Monk, CSI, Everybody Loves Raymond,TBN,DayStar, all of Disney..lol actually liked Flavor of Love..(why people why..not that Flavs not cool..i just got sharing issues..go fig..)Dog the bounty hunter..lol and whatever i haven't discovered yet..but i as of now i don't watch it..to many role models that can influence me lol


Maximized Manhood, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Poetry, Novels that are tasteful and fun..some romance any book on foreign lauages, anything by John Bevere, Frank Peretti, DAN BROWN not because i agree, i just like to study about people with unstable minds, Perry Stone, Juanita Bynum, and pretty much anything that will promote the right kind of brain stimulation at the time needed. Don't do horrors, i laugh to much for them.


To admire a person enough to call them your hero, umm for me not possible, people are just like me they have the same potential to make the same mistakes i do at any given moment,then i could be crushed because they fell far from perfect.. so i don't have heroes, i do admire and appericate all past, and present military with all of my heart ,because you do what others only talk about, you miss out on what others enjoy, and you sacrafice what others complain about and you do it for faces you may never see, people who may never be grateful and a thank you's that are long over do and so often ungiven..thanks for keeping it safe so i can enjoy my RIGHTS whatever they are. i admire single moms,dads, and those that open up their home to those who need love, i admire my family for being diverse enough to teach me on all levels, i admire people who teach in one way or another, who try and who don't give up even when everything around them says they should..But if i have to pick a hero than hey, ya know who it would be.. JESUS the same yesterday, today and forever dispite what a book/movie says..to know the real deal, you could never be swayed in your faith by people, by words, gestures, books or a movie!!! When i couldn't find the want to, He gave me the strength to, when people said you'll never, He healed me and said i will..thats my experience..people can let you down,so i don't look at people, their just like me capable of what i am at all times.. but he is not ordinary people and if i can make exceptions for ordianry people how much more for the extrodinary

My Blog

Entrance...Page 4...Quiver

...   Here I rest in this throne, Waiting for the touch of a pleasure unknown Petals leading from the door.. My body exploding like a pounding sea shore Candles are lit no darkness is near The so...
Posted by darkdelights on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 02:43:00 PST

The tranquility of You

You are the rise and the set of the passions of my heart When your near or far within my soul you are ever present. The ocean may kiss the lips of the sea shore but the waves of your smile carry my e...
Posted by darkdelights on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 02:06:00 PST

Entrance to me..Page 3 ..Words

  Take me right here,.. right now Let me know that your feeling it how... Don't look around don't even fear just pull me , feel my body near Up against this wall hear my hunger call now ...
Posted by darkdelights on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 02:14:00 PST

Midnight Passions Vol. 28... Hurricane

Standing here looking up into the sky. The rain pouring down over me and in me, my heart just sank. I looked down the street for a taxi. I hadn't brought an umbrella, my long jacket soaked and clingin...
Posted by darkdelights on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:29:00 PST

Entrance ..Page 2..A glance within

Captured in my stare, Let me evaporate all of your cares... Look at me hear me feel me.. Now take me in... As the sun comes up, so do your fears but as long as you trust me you will have ...
Posted by darkdelights on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 03:32:00 PST

Entrance...Page 1...My Eyes

Can you come over..                          and sit right here, let me help make some thin...
Posted by darkdelights on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 08:46:00 PST

Intro .. Entrance of me Vol 1.... Rounds

First round.. you made me shake, my mind was wondering and yes I did hesitate. Was it the smile or the way you spoke didn't matter the reason I simple just choked. For the moment, The crown w...
Posted by darkdelights on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 05:57:00 PST


I am so sorry if i have not posted a blog as of late or commented on your blogs if you know that i normally do..i have some trying things going on at this moment and they have been pretty much consumi...
Posted by darkdelights on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 02:48:00 PST

Evolutions of Me

Will you anticipate me... the softness of my touch, the gentleness of my curves, the openness of my hearts desires.   Does that allow you to illuminate me... silhouette of our bodies in poetic fl...
Posted by darkdelights on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 05:54:00 PST

Midnight Passions Vol. 27... The Simple Things

I looked down into eyes that consumed me. I bit my lip and looked toward the t.v. He had looked up at me. But not just the outer eyes of me, He had looked into eyes that yielded with ease. As always ...
Posted by darkdelights on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 05:58:00 PST