*K*E*L*L*I*E* profile picture


Why am I wearing this camouflage? So the big bad quail doesn't get me?

About Me

Hi I'm Kellie =) I like to be happy! I like to surround myself with good people that I love and that make me happy...like my family or my friends or things that I love... like being around kids, drinking, going out, shopping, working out, watching a good tv show,...the possibilities are endless.. I really have been blessed with awesome friends and family...They are the ones that have been there for me and loved me REGARDLESS (I love you guys!) Lately I have been learning to let go of things and not dwell on them so much. I am very proud of myself!! I just want to go out there and have fun... Why dwell on people that make you feel bad about yourself or lack maturity?? Fuck um!! I am currently a student at Cal State San Marcos, studying to be a teacher. I just LOVE kids. They make me smile like you wouldn't believe...And just a random thought... what's up with marriage these days? What ever happened to death to us part? I've known of so many situations where people get married and just get divorced like it's nothing!!! Where are people's morals?? When I get married, I'm in it for life baby!!!
1. I love to be loved
2. I am the biggest procrastinator you know
3. I get scared easily at night, especially by myself
4. I loveeeeee men in uniform! YUM!
5. I've only loved one man
6. I hate flying
7. I miss my family in Vermont all the time!
8. I drive barefoot, unless I'm wearing sneakers
9. I am a terrible liar! You can always tell when I'm lying
11. I want a BMW or Mercedes..someday!
12. I have a WICKED sweet tooth
13. I don't want to live in CA for the rest of my life
14. I only like Bud Light
15. I want a BIG FAT DIAMOND someday
16. I love meeting new people
17. I love garbonzo beans..(ya know chick peas?)
18. I can be really shy at first
19. I hate doing homework
20. I love to take pictures! Photo shoot time!
21. FF Cool Whip and fruit...my new best friend
22. I wish I could see into the future
23. I want to get married, ONCE and only ONCE
24. I can't wait to be a mom
25. I think living with a boyfriend/girlfriend before you get married is trashy
26. I love to drive and listen to music loud
27. I drive a stickshift and love it. I hate automatic!
28. I think sunsets are lovely
29. I love hot tea, so yummy
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My Interests

I love to hang out with friends and family mostly... I love to work out and eat right...it makes me feel so good. I love peanut butter! I hate radio commercials! Just play the damn music! Golden Spoon has the best frozen yogurt everrrr. I love a good conversation...I love drinking with my SUPER friends and meeting new people. I love it when one of my classes gets cancelled! I adore kids! I love the beach and just laying out and soaking up the sun...I love buying new clothes and only wearing the shirt once! ha-ha! I love music..I love Coco Chanel perfume.. I love coach purses and the color pink! I LOVE SUSHI!!! I could eat it everyday! Yup...there's just too many things to love....THERE COMES A POINT IN YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU REALIZE WHO MATTERS, WHO NEVER DID, WHO WON'T ANYMORE, & WHO ALWAYS WILL. SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT PEOPLE FROM YOUR PAST, THERE'S A REASON WHY THEY DIDN'T MAKE IT TO YOUR FUTURE

I'd like to meet:

Get to Know Me

...About You...

Nickname Kel, Kellie-Wellie, Bub,(only by my brother), Sweetie-girl
Sex Girl
Eye Color blueeee
Hair Color naturally blonde thank you
Height 5'6
Favorite Color Pink!!!
Screen Name don't use AIM
Your Car 03' Volkswagon Jetta
Your Hometown ah I would say St. Albans, Vermont and San Diego
Your Present Town Mira Mesa
Your Crush's First Name Michael I think
Your Grade Technically a junior in college
Your Style anything thats cute and comfortable


Band Linkin Park and Rascal Flatts
Movie Pirates of the Caribbean or Dumbo
TV show American Idol or Any talk shows or game shows
Song Unchained Melody by Righteous Brothers or Fast Cars and Freedom by RF
Color PINK, thought I got asked this question before.
Cigarette Camel lights please
Pastime I have alot...high school times and double dates and more recently hanging out with friends, drinking..

...Have You Ever...

Sat on your rooftop umm I don't think so
Kissed someone in the rain prolly not, if I did, it wasn't that rememberable
Danced in a public place oh yeah... It's fun when you're drunk!
Smiled for no reason Ofcourse =)
Laughed so hard you cried Yeah, those are the best...like last night when Archie pretended someone was outside, cuz our motion light came on. He screamed and scared the crap out of me. It was hilarious..
Peed your pants after age 8 Ah I think it was before I was 8. I'm safe
Written a song nope
Sang to someone for no reason No, I cannot sing to save my life. You wouldn't want me to sing to you
Performed on a stage when I was younger. I hate it! No thanks!
Talked to someone you don't know yeah ofcourse
Made out in a theater I have yes, but I think it's so lame. Let's buy tickets to a movie and just make out. Hello I want to watch the freaking movie!
Gone roller skating since 8th grade yes! I remember my 15th b-day party was at a roller rink!
Been in love yes
A near death experience um not really. I feel into a pothole when I was in 4th grade and my mom had to dial 911 to get me out...haha
Sang in front of a large audience not really, I did chorus as a kid

...Can You...

Write with both hands not really well.
Whistle I'm not very good
Blow a bubble yeah who can't?
Roll your tongue nope
Cross your eyes sorta
Touch your tongue to your nose nopeee
Dance when I am drunk, I like to
Speak a different language Hell no. I suck! I'm just going to stick with english
Impersonate someone nawww
Cook anything Not really!

...Are you...

Fighter nope
Smoker yeah, I know I need to quit
Drinker yup.
Stalker uh noooo
Man eater Oh yeah...I'm a playerrrr
Man hater nope!
Lover YUP!
War freak Nope, but I don't bash Bush or the troops thank you
Heartbreaker Nope
In love hmmmmmm
Bossy I used to be as a kid!
Friendly I am the friendlest person you'd ever meet!!!!


What is your current mood? Relaxed
Does your crush like you back? What crush? It's deeper than that
What makes you happy? Being around good people.. aka my family and friends, being in love, going on vacation, sleeping in, my doggie....
Elaborate on your default photo Me in Oceanside
Name one thing you do a lot Text
Name someone with the same b-day as you My friend Jen Rose ;) We were meant to be
Are you comfortable with your height ah, I wish I was a little taller..

...Finish The Line...

If I were a ... boy I'd date your mom. haha I don't know what to put here lol
I wish ... to be completely and utterly HAPPY! =D
So many people don't know ... that I love Mcdonalds french fries with honey, I love the smell of gasoline and I hate pulp in my orange juice. There's some weird facts for ya...
I am ... perfectly unperfect
My heart is ... patient
Pet Peeves ... Being woken up before I need to, slow ass computers, when people take forever to get ready, when people scrape their knives or forks onto plates....God I hate that noise!!!
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Anything and everything...I love country and rap/r and b though


I love all movies expect horror movies. EWH No thanks!!! And yes Dumbo is my favorite Disney Movie. He's soo cute!Myspace Graphics
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Fear Factor, The Biggest Loser, Project Runway, Top Chef, any type of Murder show like CSI Las Vegas, Game Shows like Deal or No Deal, The Price is Right...and can't forget my talk shows like Dr. Phil and Oprah...


Bobbie as a puppy... Seriously, is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen?!?! Me and the love of my life! And playing with her hotdog toy..


My parents and all the military men and women!!!

My Blog


So I don't know what has gotten into me lately but I have been in a good mood, like 24/7. I think something has just clicked in my head. (And it's about damn time too) I am happier than I have been in...
Posted by *K*E*L*L*I*E* on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 10:34:00 PST

I love marines! Thank you !

A Simple Thank You Last week, while traveling to Chicago on business, I noticed a Marine sergeant traveling with a folded flag, but did not put two and two together. After wed boarded our flight, I tu...
Posted by *K*E*L*L*I*E* on Mon, 15 May 2006 12:54:00 PST