I'd like to meet:
Someone I respect or someone I think is hot. Angelina Jolie seems to fit both so I chose her.
Linkin Park, KoRn, Evanescence, Taking Back Sunday, Taproot, AFI, Fenix TX, Metallica, Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin, Backstreet Boys, Shai, Cauterize, Revis, Brooks and Dunn, and the list goes on and on and on...
Anything that has a combination of any or all of the following items: sex, violence, martial arts, giant robots, nudity, original idea, something cool, a chill moment, the supernatural, hot women, swords, guns, gimmick weapons, confusing plot, lots of laughs, and characters that do not make me want to bash their respective skulls in.
SportsCenter, Stargate: SG-1, The L-Word, Nip/Tuck, Andromeda, and almost anything on during Adult Swim.
Anything from Palladium Books. Other than that I prefer other forms of media.
Real Heroes: Still looking. Super Heroes: I like Cyclops.