Hey -- We're three guys at a small Indiana college and we've got a radio show that will kick you in the pants. That's right : Hardcore (and lots of it) every monday night. 2Hours2Kill runs mondays from midnight to 2 AM Indiana time on 91.1 FM. But, wait - even if you don't live in Indiana you can listen on the internet! Check out : www.globeradio.org, and click "listen" during 12-2 AM on Monday nights. We play all the big names like Norma Jean, As I Lay Dying, Fear Before the March of Flames, Unearth, Comeback Kid, Zao and lots more, but we also mix in some amazing local bands that every one needs to hear, like Kingston Falls, The Great Escape, The Burial and Last Night Alive. Check us out every Monday night 12-2 at 91.1 or globeradio.org! Tell your friends!
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