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About Me

My name is Ziggy and I am a Papillion, living in a high rise in downtown Orlando. If you think I'm spoiled, YOU'RE RIGHT!!! My greatest goal in life is to awaken before noon someday! I Love walking around the lake chasing birds and butterflies. I know I look femine, but BELIEVE ME, I'm all MALE!!!! I crave attention and I am a little bit neurotic, but I'm friggin cute so it's okay. I'm a little agoraphobic, but I'm working through it, with a little help from my doc and my meds. Life is good and I can't complain!!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My perfect mate would be a black and white female Papillion with bigger ears and booty than myself!! I'm open to meeting a variety of household pets, to include birds, cats, iguanas, fish, turtles and I guess humans are ok tooooo, since they feed us and stuff. My mommy's a human and I think she rocks!!!

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