Torquestra, the product of a an exploratory musical mind. The project was bornout of frustrations stemming from the commercial restrictions forced upon anyartist to subjugate his art for the pursuit of survival. What happens when theartist is left to his own devices to truly create the music that is heard in his/herhead? The results can range from soothing to the most melodramatic heavymusic that one could imagine. A true freedom of expression without theboundaries or genre generalizations that imprison most artists today. Torquestrais simply music for music’s sake. As the creator I can only hope that the listenerwill enjoy the music presented as much as I enjoyed creating it. Be prepared tolisten with open ears and an open heart and the music will take you on a journey,possibly of self-discovery, as it has me while creating. The emotions andresonance you will feel are all real and true to the artist who created them. I canonly hope that the music affects the listener in a similar fashion. To be honest Iam not the best judge of this music, you will be. So kick back, open up a soda orbeer, put on the headphones, and let the music take you where it will...