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" Spiderman, (Justice League A.K.A Earth's Greatest Heroes) (Common Member) Aquaman, Batman I, Black Canary II, Flash II, Flash III, Green Arrow I, Green Lantern II, Green Lantern V, Hawkman I, Martian Manhunter, Plastic Man, Superman, Wonder Woman I (member) Animal Man, Atom II, Aquaman, Amazing Man II, Antaeus, Aztek, Batgirl II, Batman I, Big Barda, Black Canary II, Black Condor II, Black Lightning, Bloodwynd, Blue Beetle II, Blue Devil, Blue Jay, Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Captain Comet, Captain Marvel, Catwoman, Creeper I, Crimson Fox I, Crimson Fox II, Dark Flash, (The) Demon, Dr. Fate I, Dr. Fate II, Dr. Light IV, Elongated Man, Faith, Fire, Firestorm I, Flash I, Flash II, Flash III, General Glory, Green Arrow I, Green Arrow II, Green Lantern II, Green Lantern III, Green Lantern IV, Green Lantern V, Gypsy, Hawkgirl I, Hawkgirl III, Hawkgirl IV, Hawkman I, Hawkman II, Hawkman III, Hawkwoman I, Hourman III, Huntress III, Ice, Jayna, L-Ron, Lightray, Major Disaster, Manitou Dawn, Manitou Raven, Mary Marvel, Martian Manhunter, Maxima, Maya, Metamorpho, Mister Miracle II, Mystek, Nightwing III, Nuklon/Atom Smasher II, Obsidian, Oracle, Orion, Phantom Stranger, Plastic Man, Power Girl, Ray II, Red Tornado II, Rocket Red 4, Rocket Red 7, Silver Sorceress, Snapper Carr, Steel II, Steel III, Supergirl II, Superman, Tasmanian Devil, Tomorrow Woman, Triumph, Vibe, Vixen, Warrior, Wonder Woman I, Wonder Woman III, Zan, Zatanna, Zaurel