..General Info about me.....
I am Toi Lache' and I am :
-I also have the ability to stand out!!
-I have integrity
-I have beauty on the INSINDE and OUT!!
-I have a sense of humor
-My own sense of style
-I like people who don't care what others think of them!!!(an excellent quality to have in life)!
-having values...(men esspecially)
Things that I do not like:
-procrastination(even in myself)!
-judgemental people(YOU have flaws just like everyone else, even if there not the same ones)!!!
Which girlfriend are you?(from the hit tv show girlfriends)
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Mya
Woohu!! Youre a Mya!! You believe that happiness doesnt have to come at a cost. You always try your hardest at everything you do and you would even risk your life to make your family happy. You go girl!!
63%_________________________________________________________ __
What type of man best pleases you
Girl you laid back
You need somebody like Jay-Z somebody who is smooth and real with it
How do you compare?
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