Swords of Shadow profile picture

Swords of Shadow


About Me

Swords of Shadow is a normal, friendly server on World of Warcraft on the alliance side of the Lightbringer server.

We are very helpful and fun-loving and always welcome new members. We are currently working on upgrading Swords of Shadow from just a regular guild to a raiding guild... But don't worry! We'll also be our normal, fun-loving selves and welcome all levels.

For information about joining, see the 'I'd Like to Meet' section below.

-Delimor (a.k.a. Johnny); Raid Officer

Next Guild Instance/Raid:
Upper Blackrock Spire. See post for more information.

My Interests

Raiding, questing, having fun. Also, Veridric likes to have sexy dance parties.

I'd like to meet:

We'd like to meet players of any level that are dedicated to the game. We are in desperate need of priests and of level 60s. To join, just send a whisper to any guild member that is online and ask for someone who can invite. It's as simple as that. Most important thing needed at this time:
Level 60 Priest


Happy peanuts soar over chocolate covered mountain tops and waterfalls of caramel. Prancing nougat in the meadow sings a song of satisfaction to the world. Listen to it.


Onyxia Wipe


Cartoon Network. Family Guy, etc.


The Road to 60: A Photographic Novel



My Blog

Upper Blackrock Spire I

Date: August 9, 2006Go Time: 8pm server, 11pm ESTHeadcount (Sign-in): 7pm server, 10pm ESTRaid Leader: Riyozukey or Delimor, whichever. Information:We're running from bottm to top and downing The Beas...
Posted by Swords of Shadow on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 11:01:00 PST