I am 5'11, 180 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. I played football at charter oak high school my freshman year and then transfered and moved to serrano and my number was 8 and my postion was quarterback. Now i am playing guitar and i am the lead singer of a band that i am in called "OFFENDING THE ORTHODOX". we have played three shows now and 1 kinda big show. we are working hard as a family and we pray that our music will make our lord jesus christ well known to all people. On the other hand I am a funny guy and easy to get along with. I am currently have a girlfriend and she is amazeing, she is not only my girlfriend she is my best friend and she i tottally awsome and she is the most beautiful girl in the world, and sorry to all the ladies that read this but she is the most preetiest girl in the world. :) !!!!!!!! My goal in life is to live for jesus christ and do all for him, in my life it seems that all is wrong at times but i have God and because i have him all is right, i have a family of four, and i will live my life worshiping the lord. when i left Serrano high school after i graduated my goal is to attend college to get a degree in music and lead worship, somthing i love doing is being in a christain band with all my firends eli, corey, danny, and my brother cody, which we started on the side of our high school worship team which is great thanks to God who has lead us all the way. but i would love for our band to share Gods word and glorify him all over the world but if one person is saved through our music then it will be all worth it.and i want everybody to know that the person you see on sundays at church is the true Mychal Fabela Football is not who i was its what i did, a follower of christ is who and what i am and who i always will be. thanks to all my true friends that have been there for me thanks mom cody and tiffany and thank you God for your love and Grace. 4 U HAVE GAVE ME EVERYTHING LORD PLEASE HELP ME GIVE BACK TO U BY BEING THE SON U WANT ME TO B.
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