Sports, Movies, Music, Everything
Christopher Walken
AC/DC, Judas Priest, Twisted Sister, Queen, Metallica, Journey, DMB, Run DMC, Miles Davis, Marvin Gaye, Ted Nugget, everything you can think of, but no Kenny G.
well pretty much every movie i like in one way or another. i guess a smaller list would be ones that i DO NOT LIKE. so they would be: Battlefield Earth, I still know what you did last summer, Child's Play 3 and beyond, i hate bad movies but i love movies that are ok to great. just ask name a movie and i'll tell you if it's good.
24, The Sheild, Grey's Anatomy(shut up), The Unit(david palmer is in it), SportsCenter, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Around the Horn, Local News shows, Stand Up Comedy, Law and Order(original and SVU, CI sucks), there are some others i just cant think.
The Fixer, Handmaid's Tale, South of the Slot, Hills like White Elephants, It Can't Happen Here, The Crucible, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, MacBeth, Huck Finn, The Night Theraou Spent In Jail, Light in the Forest, Walden, 1776, All Quiet on the Western Front, Starship Troopers, L.A. Confidential, The Greatest Generation, America
My Mom, my Grandfather, Doc Holiday, Muhammad Ali, Robert Macnemara, Christopher Walken, Jim Brown, me, the 1991 Braves, Carlton Fisk, Lou Gherig, G.I. Joe's the real american heroes, others prolly.