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911:Excuse For War

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This is not a Bush bashing web site nor is it left wing liberal agenda. It has nothing to do with right vs. left, Democrat vs. Republican, it is based on RIGHT vs. WRONG. It is simply aimed at the evidence that has surfaced since 9/11. From the cover up of 9/11 to the Patriot Acts I and II to the release of the classified Northwoods documents to Americas most secretive societies that our presidents, top executives, media owners, pretty much world leaders are envolved in....Take a minute and read some of the info that we have posted ...it will blow your mind....
Cause and effect
Cause and effect is a system they (The Brotherhood) have used many times in the history of this world and it is very important that you learn to recognize it.
They create a problem, and later provide a solution. The solution usually means more power and wealth for world leaders and less freedoms for the people they govern. They figure what their goal is then they create two opposing sides the clash of which will bring about the goal that they wanted and the people will look at it as if it were magic or by accident.
Northwoods Document
With the 60's came the Cuban missile crises. A Soviet military build up on the island of Cuba threatened the western hemisphere.
They needed an excuse to invade Cuba. They actually put the plan to paper. They proposed blowing up airliners full of American people saying the casualty list in U.S. Newspapers would provide a helpful wave of ignination to fuel their plan. The plan was that of General Lyman Louis Lemnitzer chairman joint chiefs of staff, he got approval for his plan all the way up to the secretary of defense. President Kennedy was not amused. In the plan they elaborated on how they could bomb Washington D.C. and blame Cuba, attack marines at guantanimo bay using U.S. Army soldiers dressed up as Cubans.
President Kennedy was always a servant of the global elite but he was so shocked by the Northwoods document that he signed executive order 11110 shortly before his death announcing that he would abolish the federal reserve system. He also began to pull us out of Vietnam, and signed an order to abolish to CIA.
Kennedy was for the people and defended their interests. They killed President Kennedy because he wasn't following the master plan of the global elite. The New World Order couldn't allow that to continue, so they killed him.
When something like the Oklahoma City bombing happens watch carefully what your government leaders do in the days ahead.
As a result of the bombing at the Federal Building, Oklahoma city, Bill Clinton's Anti Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 which failed to pass just a year before was finally passed. The bill destroyed massive sections of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I find it interesting that our Masonic Federal Government refused to release the survalance footage which showed the true perpetrators. They wouldn't use it in court because they knew it would show the U.S. Government's involvement.
Because of Osama Bin Laden's actions, governments can now use the 'War on Terror' as an excuse for things that would have seemed ridiculous pre-9/11.
The mainstream media still hasn't made it clear just who is it all of this benefits. If they did, they would fail those who they work for.
Governer Frank Keeding's Brother Mark Keeding wrote a book called, "The Final Jihad". One of the characters in the book was a Thomas McVey who master minded the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma city. Coincidence? I don't think so! The book was dedicated to the knights of the secret circle, a known Illuminati (Masonic) group. The book was written two years before the bombing.
W199I - restricting the investigation
A couple months before 9/11 George W. Bush signed W199I threatening FBI investigators with arrest if they try to arrest members of the Al Quida. George Bush signed the papers, he is a traitor to humanity. He is business partners wit Osama Bin Laden and deserves to be thrown in jail.
Within days of 9/11, the Bush Administration provided safe passage out of the US for 14 members of the Bin Laden family, without interrogation.
In 1996 the Clinton Administration discouraged the FBI from investigating links between Osama Bin Laden's brothers Abdulla and Omar and the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), a known terrorist front organization. Source: (BBC, The Guardian - UK)
H.R 3162On October 26, 2001, President George W. Bush signed the USA Patriot Act. Section 213 delays warrants. They can sneak into your home for any reason, take what ever they want and never tell you they were there and there are NO sunset provisions.

One sure way to determine who designed the societal system is to look at who it benefits. That's a no brainer. The education system was designed to get everybody to think the same way which makes it easier to control the collective.
Most Americans do not recognize that Congress had passed a bill that would give the government expanded power to invade our privacy, imprison people without due process and punish dissent.
Some of the fundamental changes to Americans' legal rights by the Bush administration and the USA Patriot Act following the terror attacks:
* FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION Government may monitor religious and political institutions without suspecting criminal activity to assist terror investigation.
* FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Government has closed once-public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records requests.
* FREEDOM OF SPEECH Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.
* RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to Americans accused of crimes.
* FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES Government may search and seize Americans' papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror investigation.
* RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL Government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial.
* RIGHT TO LIBERTY Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them.
George W. Bush
March 23rd, 2002, "The Bush administration today proposed dropping a requirement at the heart of federal rules that protect the privacy of medical records. It said doctors and hospitals should not have to obtain consent from patients before using or disclosing medical information for the purpose of treatment or reimbursement. The proposal, favored by the health care industry, was announced by Tommy G. Thompson, the secretary of health and human services, who said the process of obtaining consent could have "serious unintended consequences" and could impair access to quality health care. The sweeping privacy rules were issued by President Bill Clinton in December 2000. When Mr. Bush allowed them to take effect last April, consumer advocates cheered, while much of the health care industry expressed dismay..."
This new law that I signed today will allow surveilance of all communications used by terrorists, including the Internet, email, cell phones.