dona nobis pacem profile picture

dona nobis pacem

Who You Are Is Not Up To Them

About Me

I like LOVE kitties
I want to travel Scandinavia
I believe all religious figures had creditable things to say
I love learning new vocabulary words
Make me a mix cd, and you have my heart
photography is my heart's passion
I have a subscription to Vouge
Don't be surprised if i comment on your clothes
And, No I am not gay
I enjoy thinking and discussing life long questions
There are a lot of gray matters in my life
I am broke
I believe religion is the worst thing in the world
I am vulnerable
I stress easily
I hate highschool
I constally wonder if my gas tank is stuck on "low fuel"
I love autumn days
Art is the only stable thing in my life right now
I enjoy driving fast and listening to loud music
I think I will die alone
I try to look at the world in different ways than the normal
I paint things, but I don't consider myself a painter
My worst fears are the dark and incests
I want to speak a language fluently
I will be a famous photographer
You can find beauty in the worst circumstances
I am liberal
The sound of a violin breaks my heart
I have many acquaintances, but few friends
I cherish the friends i do have
Love conquers all

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Nightwish, Amber Pacific, Mozart, Sherwood, Anberlin, Blink 182, Feist, Five Iron Frenzy, Franz Ferdinand, Goo Goo Dolls, Hawthorne Heights, Imogen Heap, Jack's Mannequin, Madina Lake, Mae, Foreign Language Stuff, Meatloaf, Meg & Dia, Nickel Creek, Avenged Sevenfold, Alan Jackson, Franz Joseph Haydn, Beethoven, Handel, J.S. Bach, Regina Spektor,Feist, Tegan and Sara, Final Fantasy, For the Actor, Polysics, Of Montreal, The Decemberists, Angels and Airwaves, Apulanta, Final Fantasy, Rouge Wave, Islands,



Blue Like Jazz [Donald Miller]
The Scarlet Letter [Nathanial Hawthorne]
Heiligenstadt Testament[Ludwig Von Beethoven]


Freddie Mercury

My Blog

The world is beautiful ...

So i've been told i am concieted, or hold my head high about certain things.  After thinking about it, I guess I do.  Pride is not such a bad thing, it gives you confidence and stretgh to do...
Posted by dona nobis pacem on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 12:36:00 PST

Life Goals

1. Create a Font and name it after me 2. Become Famous3. Send a message in a bottle4. Reciece it back5. Dye my hair a weird color6. Get a record deal7. Inspire the world8. Play all of Bach's two-...
Posted by dona nobis pacem on Tue, 15 May 2007 01:34:00 PST

Me and Laura

totally rock! : ] We raised the most money out of the sophomore class. we dint have to eat the pigs feet. yay us. we also won the amazing race!! wooo we got 25 visa gift cards. super cool. s...
Posted by dona nobis pacem on Fri, 04 May 2007 01:57:00 PST


I posted this in a bulliten, but i dunno if everyone got it.Would you rather be deaf or blind? why?If you could play any instrument what would it be and why?just thinking and stuff. : ]...
Posted by dona nobis pacem on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 01:53:00 PST


why do people go to extremes to achive something?sometimes bad, sometimes's just insane why people do stuff sometimes.listeing to music you dont even like, but the only reason to create an "im...
Posted by dona nobis pacem on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 07:46:00 PST

Life Update

So life right now is just going good i guess.I love this new weather and it's amazing.  Not so amazing for allegries, but it's still really pretty.  it makes me just want to go outside and d...
Posted by dona nobis pacem on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:54:00 PST

Who you are

ok so i've been thinking.You know how people say "Be YOURself" or "Be YOU" stuff like that...When people talk about people being who they really are, they usually talk about the "Gothic kids", or the ...
Posted by dona nobis pacem on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 06:49:00 PST


Everybody Cries,                                 It's Just some keep it ...
Posted by dona nobis pacem on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 10:38:00 PST

Drama, Oh the Drama

So we had our drama competition in supulpa today.  I took a DI (Dramatic Interterpetion).I am happy with how i did. my goals were to break through pre-lims and stay under time.  and i did bo...
Posted by dona nobis pacem on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 08:12:00 PST

all-State auditions

We got the results back from the auditions, and i did not make it.kinda bumbed, but i knew it would happen cause i screwed up really bad on my audition.  It Just makes me sad because, yea we won ...
Posted by dona nobis pacem on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 06:22:00 PST