Im not much of a person if I could say so myself but people seem to handle me well and I have plenty of friends to back it up. I myself only see myself as a tool to set this country on the right path and to lead the generation of my brothers and sisters to a state of revolution. This world is failing and the only hope is to cast off the shades of society and begin to live life up to your own standards and up to your own moral beliefs. It is not society that is right it is your sole being and by ignoring it and letting society make your decisions your securing a world of total governmental control. I feel strongly on the point in which I think all humans on this earth should not follow society or dedicate there lives to the false hopes of religions. Every human being on this earth is able to think freely and I think its time we all start to do so, its time we all start to use the power we truly have and begin to shape the minds of the up and coming generations so they dont have to live in a world as war torn and idiotic as our own. Please stop following the paths of all ignorant humans of this day. Dont get me wrong, I love the aspect of life and I love the beauty it holds but i have lost so much faith in mankind that the true goal in my life is to see it end either by my death or the destruction of the human race because the only thing that can truly save us is an enlightenment within in the minds of all humans to push for an ultimate goal of peace and harmony.
I Also am funny and like long walks on the beach and evening strolls underneath the stars... ( the sad thing is im serious). I also am a little metro, but all in all im straight as the beanpole I put in my ass.