DJ Gouloumz
...I play Hiphop,R'n'B,Reggaeton & Bashment & various other styles including alot of Xclusive Remixes! ... I've been making BLENDZ for a lil while now. Let me just clarify for everyone who's unsure what a blend is. What i do muscially in terms of making blends is take acapellas from certain tracks im feeling and mix them with instrumentals from other tracks i think they go really well with,giving my own personal unique flavour to the music i play,whether it be in the club ,on my mixtapes,wherever! a BLEND is when your grabbing the best bits from 2,3 maybe even 4 tracks! and layering them all up back 2 back over big,BIG, BIG RIDDIMS!..U NEED TO HIT UP MY MUSIC PLAYER TO SEE EXACLY HOW IT GOES DOWN!...