NaMe: Mzdream
BiRthday: 9/16/81
BiRthpLace: Rockledge, Florida (Yea, I know. It's a small town)
LocaTi0n: Brooklyn BABY- The best borough
FaVoRiTe: f0od: Mac and Cheese
dRinK: Long Island Iced Tea
tHinG t0 d0: Read, Hang Out, Watch movies
music: R&B is my favorite but I listen to Rap, Reggae, Soca, Pop, Rock. I'm eclectic
tv sh0w: Family Guy has become my new best show.
m0vie: What's Love Got to Do With It
coLoR: Varies on my mood
BeSt mem0ry: Shit I dont know
h0w many sibLings.. if any? 1, my sister chellez
SiNgLe? Yea but not liking it anymore. Sexy Men Holla
cOffee oR tea? Coffee lately
iCe cReam 0r itaLian ices? Ice Cream
do y0u sm0ke weed? Naaa
d0 y0u d0o dRugs? no
d0 y0u sm0ke cigaRettes? no
d0 y0u dRink? Hell Yea
eveR been caLLed a tease? nope
a sc0ontie? What the hell is a scoontie????
eveR taLked shyt ab0ut 0ne 0f uR fRiends.. d0nt LiE Hell yea but to their face
eveR messed wit uR fRiends girL/man? Hell no!! That's just nasty and wrong ILL
whiLe they weRe g0in 0ut?
any RegRets? I regret not taking my ass to college sooner
numbeR of pieRcings 2. 1 on my right ear and 1 in my left ear
tattoos 2
bedtime: whenever i'm home
petss? .. h0w many? 0
y0u g0 t0 the m0vies ab0ut _____ times a yeaR. as many times as I can
d0 y0u beLieve in uRseLf ? Yea, who else is?
m0st days .. aRe y0u g0od Lo0king? I'm cute everday and I'm sexy at night
is c0nfidence imp0rtant in a b0y/girL t0 y0u? yes but not overconfidence
what is the m0st imp0Rtant thing in a b0y/girL? Sex. Naaa just kidding. Honesty
eveR wish y0u weRe s0meone eLse?
Have y0u eveR:: cheated? Yea but he cheated first. Didnt make sense
been cheated 0n? Yea didnt I just say he cheated first
HeRitage: Shit, I got alot going on
Last time y0u sang/danced Yesterday
scaRiest dReam:
best dReam:
Last time y0u Laughed s0 haRd y0u aLmost peed: In my class, it was the most hilarious thing. You had to be there.
favoRite haiRstyLe (f0r a guy/girL)
favoRite thing t0 weaR: Cute panties
fav0Rite seas0n: spring and fall
is uR haiR curLy or stRaight? straight
L0ng oR sh0Rt? Long but you know its weave
s0da oR juice? soda
pepSi oR c0ke? neither unless it has cherry flavor, then coke
LiLieS oR RoseS?
wHite oR bLack? Black duhh
Last time y0u feLL d0wn staiRs: never
Last time y0u feLL up staiRs: Haha, that happened to my friend, it was hilarious
Last time s0meone puLLed a seat 0ut fRom undeR y0u: never
if y0u c0uLd have any0ne y0u wanted . wh0 w0uLd it be? A sexy tall man with a job, in college or has a degree with no kids. Is that so much to ask?
if y0u c0uLd stay 0ne age f0reveR .. what w0uLd it be? 19 was a good year, but I'm gonna say 22 because you can drink legally
what d0o y0u wanna be when y0u gRow up? Shit i'm grown
h0w many kids d0 y0u wanna have? not sure if I want any honestly
b0ys oR girLs? If i do have any I want a boy
d0 y0u pRefeR t0 chiLL with guys/girLs? either
c0r0na oR budweiseR: Corona
pe0pLe wiLL RemembeR y0u because: I'm sweet, funny and sarcastic as hell
fav0Rite time 0f day: bedtme
fav0Rite day of the week: Friday of course. Its payday
bReakfast Lunch 0R dinneR: lunch
weight: What the hell is wrong with you? You never ask a girl her weight, especially not a plus size girl.
height: 5'10
bath 0R sh0wer: shower
fRuits 0r veGetabLes:
fav0Rite name bRand: dont have one
fav0Rite sp0Rt: Do I look like I play sports
jeans 0R sweaTs: jeans, really fitted ones that show off my butt
in a b0y/girL:: coLor haiR:
coLoR eYes:
s0mething that captuRes ur attenti0n:
goLd oR siLveR: silver
caTs 0R d0gs?
sex oR oRaL? Both. Can't call it sex if I aint getting both!!!
sunshine oR m0onLight? Moonlight
the sand 0R the sn0w? sand
sh0es y0u woRe t0day: slippers
s0mething y0u want pe0pLe t0 n0tice y0u f0r? Sense of humor and genuine personality
what was uR Last Rep0Rt caRd aveRage? shit it wasnt good
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