cAroL profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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iM jOy anN cAroL S. CroNoLogiA iM liKe/lOve..oR iM 16 yeArS oLd coLLeGe fResHmAn kiKaY seLosA fUn tO bE wiTh oPtimiStiC sUmtyMz negAtiVe tHinkEr LovE mY liFe lOVe wHaT i hAvE oUtgOinG lOvEs sUpRiSeS fRiendLy pRettY LoyAL lOvabLE mOodY aPprOachAbLe "seXy"..hiHi.. lOVe cOLorS piNk anD bLuE cAn't LiVe wiThout a FonE iN mY poCkEt oR hanD loVe taZmAniAn, bUt nOW iM stArtiNg tO LikE piGLet maLditAsUmtYmZ adVicEr fOr eVerYonE sEnSitiVe (gUd anD baD waY tHougH im tALkatiVe i kNow hOw tO kiP sEcreTs.. LikE tO siNG lOvE fLowEr eSpeciaLLy piNk rOsE lOve tO heAr mUsiCs eSpEciaLLy LovE sonGs i tHinK haLf JpanEs caN bE uR fRiEnD cAn bE uR enEmY lOve tO suRf tHe nEt LovE tO cHat lOVe cAmeRas loVe tO eAt -24- -tRoPaNg sHinGkO - lovE bLocK 5P-AHSE-B - pAroKya ni EdgAr - aFraiD oF KARMAi HatE.. "tokiS" bAbAeRo pLastiC maMboBoLa gAyA-gAyA biTch fLirT ugLy pEoPLe whO jUdgE basEd oN thEiR pHysicAL aPpeAraNcE sNobBisH "fiLinGeRo at fiLingErA" bAckStabeRs naGgeR liaRz kuPaLz ePaLz makE facEr pathEtiC girLfRieNd fUcKinG wHOrE anD mOsT oF aLLi HatE eNemiESjUz adD mE.. [email protected], myspace [email protected]!!!...c!aO

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

fRieNdLy piPZ!!fOrmER cLasMatEss, fRieNdS, nEighBoRs, aNyOnE...buT i dOnT wAnT aNy cOmmItmEnt jUz wAnt tO mAkE fRieNdS...

My Blog

uhmmnothing..gnto pla toh!!!harhar!!

harhat.....eto pla iun..hehe...hehe..kktuwa nmn..hehe....ala lng..sinubukn ko lng..hehe..un lng..hehebye
Posted by on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 04:10:00 GMT

life is unpredictable!!

im just wondering how world is unpredictable..the more you guve tym the lesser you is so punishable at the same tym very selfish..the more you want to have it the farther it goesto achieve ...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Sep 2005 04:05:00 GMT