music, mountainbike, RAVENS, traveling, fam/friends, rad shite, piano, good times & laughter, mota,
character,vigor,epicness....... kewl heads, unordinary, w/something 2 say.& mad fun ! ;)
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well,lets see...aLicE iN ChaInS,rage against the machine, LaKE tRoUT, KeNNA, FlamInG LiPs, JacK JOhNsOn, tHe RoOtS,CitiZEn Cope, DrEdg, dIscObiScuITs, SouNDtRiBeSeCTor9, DubTRibe, PoStAl SeRVicE, cReaM,30SecOnDS tO MaRS, Mos DEf, BjORk, tHe KiLleRs, rADioHeaD, FaiTh no MoRe, DaNziG, KiLlsWitCH, STP, CoRrOsiOn Of CoNFormITy, JuRassIC5, jeFF BecK AfI,hIm,Nin,DkM,gOdheAd StrUnG OuT, RoB ZoMBie, dEPeche ModE, tHe CuRe, AveNgED7X, tHriCe, IrON MAidEn, DrEam tHeaTrE, 80's HaIr, AlphA Beta, BlEeD tHe DrEam, WhItE ProDuCE, KaNye, KRSone, JaY Z, GZA, BeAsTiEs, BiGgie, GnR, ZePP, FloYd, CasH, MileS, ClapTon, BB, FreAkYFlOW,DaRa,j smooth,Rap,,& mofo DONALDE GLAUDE! Aeva's DiSaster, CoUNtinG CrOws,G-lOVe and tHe sPeAciAL SAucE, KeAnE, thE HappY CaMpER, Kelly Dalton um... etc etc.
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Free Image
....known 2 go c the same movie twice in the same week, accidently. once. not the movie buff,,, have seen like a kajillion or 2, but not so much so on the movie line/actor/scene thing.
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conspiracy,enlightenment,space,world,sociology, non-fiction in general,,,,
Connie Ballistic, Jin Mo, Jr.Sau, Julio Rufulio Rodriguez, Billy Ripken, Jim, Betty Black, Ron Sanchez, & Carl Flipiak