Mendoza was found by guitarist Andy and bass man John in the cold and dark winter of 2001. It took quite long until they found their drummer Sati, who fitted in correctly, referring not only to the kind of music they make, but also to his attitude towards life, his feeling for the meaninglessness of existence, his passionate vegetating in job and enduring every depressing facet of life.
The band considered itself a Thrash Metal band, which might not be the exact description of their style, for even the band itself is not sure about how to define their music. Their only goals have always been to be as loud, as fast and as hard as possible.
The musical influences of the group reach down from Death Metal bands like Pungent Stench, Aborted or Obituary to Thrash Metal groups like Slayer or Dew Scented, but also to hardcore a´la Bloodsimple or Visions Of Disorder (R.I.P.). Of course, classics like Machine Head and Meshuggah aren't missing in the endless list of Mendozas favourite bands.
In summer 2005 they started recording their first album "Infinite Hate", which was finished in spring 2006.
And finally, after 6 years existence, the band is going to appear live on stage for their first time in their hometown Vienna, at the famous "Unplugged" on the 28th of September. So, don't miss 'em!
And for anybody who is curios about the history of the bands name, just watch the Simpsons episode: "Saturdays of thunder"!