About Me
I'm Chad. I'm 20, living in Buffalo, New York for the time being. I'm only here to help my father's side of my family w/ building a house. If you look @ my pictures, you're only going to find two for a while. They were the only two I could get ahold of and they are of me when I used to sing in a shitty post hardcoreish/ screamo band in SoCal, no need to even tell you the name of the band, I'm not proud of it. I have only been here about 2 months now and we're still waiting to start this fiasco. I love all sorts of music and I despise biased people. It's music, listen or don't, that's it. There's so much music out there and so many genres, I don't see how it's possible to be biased, you gotta respect it for what it is. If you don't like something, then write something better. I play guitar(10 years), bass(9 years), drums(5 years), piano and violin(since as far back as I can remember. I like to fix amps and shit; electronics interest me. I like to take apart guitars and build new ones. I like to travel. Since graduating a year early when I was 17; I have been to Amsterdam, France, Italy, australia blah blah blah, If you really care bout all that, I'm sure you'll inquire with me about it. I enjoy smoking and listening to Psyopus. They write beautifully disgusting music.