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thee name:; R0chelle♥cake dayy:; april 8 (buyy me s0methin nice)years i've been 0n earth:; 17fav c0l0r:; turqu0iseabs0lutely ♥ A D 0 R E myy haters.hate thatt FAKE shyyt.ima hella real pers0n 0nce y0u gett t0 n0e me... & if y0u gett 0n my nerves i sure will let y0u jus R0 .take it 0r leave itt.. gett at mee.♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥7.20.07 i l y R0 ♥thiss be thatt gurl calishia baybee duhh! hackkn thee 0ne & only rochelle castro's myspace thangg. this gurl right here is s00 special t0 me. thee 0ne & 0nly girl i will ever be wit. i l0ve her wit all my heartt. she been here f0r me thru everything these past tw0 years i've been wit herr. she is thee 0nly pers0n i trust wit everything. she always been right here by my side when i was g0in thru shytt. even when she had themm hatin ass h0es that th0ught theyy c0uld st0pp what we hadd, she was always there. texttn 0r aiming 0r sneaking t0 talkk t0 me & i l0ve her f0r thatt. well n0b0dy really understands whatt we have. we l0ve each0ther & were never g0na seperate fr0m each0ther. ♥ e v e r. & thatts thatt. deal wit itt! yeahh we been thru al0t & i l0ve herr. she is myy bestfriend, wifey, s0ulmate, acts like myy m0m s0metimes, & myy ride 0r die. ily r0 (='&nd jus t0 lett Y0U kn0w, y0u didnt break us.. y0u 0nly made us str0nger.haha'! y0u th0ught y0u g0t rid 0f mee? im B A C K! lmfa0 (=

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