eBay, Breast Cancer Awareness, Parents with Gay and Lesbian Children, Child Safety Advocate, Drug Awareness, M.A.D.D.
image hosting site
picture hosting
image hosting
Southern Gospel, Country, Bluegrass, '40's and 50's Music.
Gone with the Wind, Forrest Gump, Brokeback Mountain
REALITY SHOWS..."Survivor" "Big Brother" "Amazing Race" "American Idol" "The Bachelor" Etc., ALSO ABC SOAPS 'All my Children' 'One Life to Live' and 'General Hospital'
The Bible, Decoration and home remodeling books
My hero's are ALL the Men and Woman who have fought for the freedom of our wonderful country!!! Those who have made the ultimate sacrafice, those who have returned, those who are still fighting. Coming in second is our fire fighters and law enforcement officers!