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About Yourself
Name?: jen
Date of birth?: august 26th
Birthplace?: massillon
Sex?: female
Height?: 5'4"
Eye color?: hazel
Hair color?: blonde
Favorite sport to watch?: football
Whom did you get your last email from?: shawna
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?: all of them!!
Ferrari Or Lamborghini: Ferrari
What are you wearing right now?: clothes
Would you have sex before marriage?: already did
Are you ghetto?: no
What are your favorite colors?: blue, pink
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: not really
Have you ever been slapped?: once
Are you shy or outgoing?: both
Do you get online a lot?: yea, it's kinda sad.....
How easily do you trust people?: not very easily at all
Have you ever been suspended from school?: nope
Are you spoiled?: I wish!!
Your Favorite Type Of Drink?: alcohol
What toothpaste do you use?: colgate
Do you have a curfew?: no
Do you get annoyed easily?: yes
Do you prefer boxers, Briefs, Panties, Thongs, Boyshorts?: panties
Are you rude?: sometimes
Are you flexiable?: always!!
What is your heritage?: ??
Would You Ever Date Someone Older Than You or Jounger Than You?: already did
Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?: use to
Have you ever been fucked up?: no
Have you ever fucked someone up?: i think so
What size shoe do you wear?: why do u wanna know????
Have you ever given a lapdance or ever recieved one?: of course!!
Would you ever hook up with the same sex?: uuummm....NO!
Do you like to party?: always
How many languages can you speak?: uno
Do you Shower Daily?: of course!
Do you like Thunderstorms?: yep
How do you want to Die?: fast and painless
What Do uU Look For In a bf/gf?: sense of humor
In a Boy/Girl Height?: taller than me
In a Boy/Girl Weight?: depends
In a Boy/Girl Hair Color?: brown
In a Boy/Girl wat type of hair?: short
Name 3 Countrys or Place you would like to visit?: australia, northern ireland, paris
Your Most Missed Memory?: a lot of good times
Number of Piercings?: 9
How Was Ur Summer?: boring
Your Plans For This Year?: get a real job
What do you do most often when you are bored?:: myspacein....
Wat would u change about Yourself?: ????
Aim Messener?:
MSN Messenger?:
Yahoo Messenger?:
Wat Would You Like For Your Birthday?: a million dollars and some hugs!!
Important Event That Happen To you this year?: went to school
Do You Want Kids?: someday
How Many?: 2
Would You Like To Get Married?: someday
Number of things in my Past I Regret?: nothin
Was this Survey long?: sure was
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MySpace Layouts
Get Your Own! | View SlideshowI want a GUY... who would move my HAIR away from my eyes and then kiss me. Hold my hand in lne at the Mall and make all the girls Jealous?? Someone who would sing to me at random moments, who would let me sleep on their CHEST ...? someone who would let me gossip to him and would just smile and agree with everything i said?? He would Throw Stuffed animals at me when i acted dumb then KISS ME A MILLION TIMES Someone who would make fun of me just to make me laugh??? he would tell all his friends about me and SMILE when he did it... and we'd ? makeout ? he would never be afraid to say I LOVE U in front of his friends and we'd argue about SILLY things then make up I want someone who could make me laugh like no one else could but mostly i want some one who could be my best friend and would never break my heart????
Im a reality junkie! And anything on MTV.
I hate reading! Makes me tired!
Your Aura is Red
You have a high level of emotion. This can mean passion, but it can also mean rage.
Usually, you don't take these emotions out on others. You just use them as motivation - and it works!
The purpose of your life: embracing all the wonders of the life, lots of travels, and tons of adventures
Famous reds include: Madonna, Marilyn Monroe, Jennifer Lopez
Careers for you to try: Dancer, Boxer, Surgeon
What Color Is Your Aura?