Movies, music, books, comic books, Star Wars, cartoons, martial arts, sports, sword fighting, outdoor sports, or anything adventurous.
Anyone who is interested in volutarily working on making movies either in front of, or behind the camera.
Love the 80's, 90's, No Doubt, Rob Zombie, Tupac, basically almost everything.
Star Wars saga, Batman 1,2, and 5, martial art movies, samurai flicks, action & horror flicks, Resident Evil 2, Jurassic Park, Legend, Jaws, Nightmare Before Christmas, GhostBusters I & II, Superman 1 & 2. Basically almost all kinds of movies with very little CGI.
Family Guy, Simpson, Dark Angel, Knight Rider, A-Team....
The Lost World, Comic Books....
Jedi, Batman, Superman, Bruce & Brandon Lee, Goku, Kenshin....