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....the feeling that it's all a lot of oysters, but no pearls!

About Me

Hi, I'm Tami =) I am married to Chris and we have a beautiful little boy named Danny who is 2, and we have just been blessed with a beautiful baby girl, Caitlyn Hannah, born on November 23rd! Chris and I met while playing an online game called Final Fantasy XI Online. He was in the USAF stationed at Hill AFB near Salt Lake City, Utah. We became BEST friends. After almost a year of talking to each other every day, he got stationed in Misawa, Japan. I thought all of our chances were gone then! He surprised me though, and planned a trip to visit me in Ohio for 10 days in November 2004. Then while he was home visiting his family in Florida for the holidays that year I flew down and we got MARRIED! =) He had to fly back to Japan the day after, and I had to go back to Ohio to get my name changed and my passport and by March I was in Japan too! We spent our first year together in Japan, and then Chris got orders to Shaw AFB in Sumter, South Carolina. It is perfect here for us, not too hot, not too cold! Not to mention it is RIGHT in between our families, mine in Ohio and his in Florida. Things have worked out well for us and I am happy to say I wouldn't change a thing!

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My Interests

Video games. It's how me and my husband met and it's how we prefer to spend our free time relaxing together. Our favorites include Final Fantasy XI online and World of Warcraft.

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My favorites are John Mayer and Counting Crows. "A Long December" is my all-time favorite song.


I love anything Harry Potter, Transformers was AWESOME, and I like lots of others too.


YAY American Idol is back! =) Chris and I just finished watching all the Heroes episodes online, STUPID WRITER'S STRIKE what happens next?!


I have been reading The Lord of the Ring for a few years now, I read The Hobbit and now I am on the next one but I don't have much time to read, so like I said I have been doing it for a few years now =)


My husband, he is the bestest =)

My Blog

Out of the mouth of a boy named Danny Updated 3/24/08

Hi guys =) Danny has started talking SO much and he says the funniest things, I am going to keep a running list here. If he keeps it up like he has been I’m sure I will have to edit it every sin...
Posted by Tami on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:37:00 PST

All about baby!

Hi guys =) I figured I would update everyone on how we've been doing here. In June, Danny's crib was taken down and he got a brand new set of bunk beds! He picked out an awesome spiderman comforter an...
Posted by Tami on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 09:06:00 PST

It's been awhile!

I haven't posted a blog for about 9 months so I figured I'd go ahead and do it =) Everything has been going smoothly here in SC, we LOVE everything about it! We love our house, we love our neighborhoo...
Posted by Tami on Wed, 23 May 2007 07:37:00 PST

Never thought I would say this....

I was positive I would never say this, but I MISS JAPAN. Ok I don't really MISS it... but I miss the WIC office and the doctors and the medical part. Everything is such a hassle here. The WIC office t...
Posted by Tami on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 10:31:00 PST

Going home!

I'm finally taking a trip to my hometown, Akron Ohio, this week. We're leaving ASAP on Friday after Chris gets home from work at 3. We'll drive as far as we can and stay in a hotel somewhere. My dad t...
Posted by Tami on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 09:22:00 PST


Well, we have been here in Sumter since June 24th... we were able to move into our house on the 28th and all the furniture we bought was delivered that day too! The first shipment of our stuff from Ja...
Posted by Tami on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 05:46:00 PST

Maria The Great!

I just have to brag about my cousin for a second. She graduated from Field High school in Suffield, Ohio this year .. and got PROM QUEEN!!! It's so awesome, I just have to say "That's my cousin!" one ...
Posted by Tami on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 12:07:00 PST


Well the time is FINALLY here. It has seemed like forever, but I have lived in Japan for only a year (My husband has been here for 2 years) and we are moving back to the states on June 21st! This is m...
Posted by Tami on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 02:57:00 PST

Danny's a big boy!

Chris came home at lunch time today to take me to get my prescription filled, and Danny had to get a shot. I was terrified for him, as usual. The past 2 times he had to get them they did 3 different s...
Posted by Tami on Thu, 25 May 2006 10:49:00 PST

Going off base

Well crap I just wrote an entire 3 paragraph blog and then hit "Cancel" instead of "Post". DUH! As I was saying, we're going shopping off base this weekend, and hopefully stopping for lunch somewhere....
Posted by Tami on Tue, 23 May 2006 08:11:00 PST